Pack up

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When night had finally came me and Haruru climbed into my green sheeted bed. He immediately began to fall sleep but I stayed wide-awake staring at the ceiling. I was afraid to go to sleep I didn't know what would happen. But soon my eyes grew heavy and I slowly shut them and drifted off into a deep sleep. But I wouldn't sleep in peace. A picture formed into my head. Well, it wasn't like a picture more like a dream, yeah, that's what it was, a dream. When I could finally see the picture clearly I realized it was Haruru with a lewd expression on his face. I felt myself beginning to feel hot and my body twitch while I slept. I stared at the image I realized he was breathing heavily. His chest heaved up-and-down and I believe he was complete nude. Too bad I didn't see below his waist. I-I MEAN THANK GOD I DIDN'T

"M-More Makoto-kun. More!"

my face began to heat up his voice was equally as lewd with his expression. His feverish half shut eyes stared back at me. That's when I realized why I was floating over Haru. I was the person on top, I was the person who was doing Haru!?

I jolted up on the bed and felt myself. Yup this wasn't a dream I looked over at Haru who was sound asleep with his back to me. It wasn't safe anymore, he wasn't safe, I wasn't safe, nobody was safe. I got up trying not to interrupt his sleep. I grab my bag and a couple other items and walked out of my room, I had to go.

Haru's P.O.V

Truth be told I wasn't actually sleeping my eyes were just shut. I heard Makoto get up and he kind of moaned in his sleep he must've been having a nightmare that's when I felt him jolt up. His breath was heavy and I want to turn around and ask if he was all right. but he thought I was sleeping so I decided to stay where I was. He got up, grab a few things, and headed out of the room. Wait, does he have a date? Was he secretly leaving the room to go on a date with a girl, maybe it was a guy. Was it someone that I knew? What if it was someone I didn't know? My mind began to race. I wanted to call him but I didn't have the strength to do so mentally or physically I was already tired.

The next morning I was expecting Makoto be right next to me sleeping like nothing had happened but when I woke up and turned around he wasn't there. He was gone for no reason without any note without anything. I got up and looked around his room trying to search for some hint of him but there was nothing. I began to get worried I ran around the house trying to find something that he might've left. But there was no message not even my phone got any texts.

Then I stopped. What if his date went really really well. What if he got, lucky? Or maybe it was just like a one night stand. No, he wouldn't do something like that he's not that type of person. I finally reached for my phone and got the courage to call him. All it did was ring then his voicemail came.

"M-Makoto, I-I was just wondering where you were. I heard you get up last night and... And I know that you might be on a date and you might've even scored but when I woke up you still weren't there. I just want you to come back soon OK? Just call me when you can."

I ended the voicemail. Why was it bothering me so much? Why was he dating another person making me so worried and anxious? And even a little jealous. If he doesn't come home in 20 minutes I'll go out and look for him just in case.

Slowly 20 minutes rolled by and he still wasn't home. By this time I was very, very anxious I didn't know where he was, I don't know if I could even find him I had to try I had to look everywhere Makoto would be. I dashed out of the house not even caring that I didn't grab my bag all I had was my phone in hand as I ran. It was raining but I didn't care. If Makoto was stuck in the rain, then I would be there as long as he would, I would be stuck in the rain with him.

"Makoto! Makoto!? Where are you?" I tried calling out. My eyes were on the breach of tears and I still haven't found him after an hour I could call the police. I could let them help me find him, but something told me I wanted to do this on my own I just had a feeling that I needed to. I went to the elementary, he wasn't there. I went to where he worked, they said he hadn't showed up and asked if everything was OK I shook my head and told them that he was missing he hadn't come back after a night out. Then I checked every corner of a store every nook and cranny of a alleyway the only place I hadn't checked was the last alleyway near the elementary I had ran right past it but now that I think about it I didn't exactly check it either I just quickly glanced.

So then I ran as far as my feet could take me, I wasn't a fast runner. But this time I felt faster than the wind. I felt like I was flying it didn't seem like my feet ever touch the floor. I skidded to a stop. I was at the elementary again I was at the alleyway. Slowly, I walk in side and I saw a figure at the end of the way. They were curled up in a ball. I slowly walked toward it soon became clear that figure was Makoto.

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