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"YOU need to pack your things up and go to Magnus's apartment," Tessa commanded. Athena raised her eyebrows and placed her hands on her leather clad hips.

"What?" She exclaimed.

"Magnus said that he would let you stay in his apartment. It's not safe for you to stay here alone. Valentine is out hunting for warlocks," Tessa stated. Athena sat down on the cloth covered sheets of her bed and crossed her legs. Tessa sighed and paced over to Athena's wooden wardrobe and picked up a heavy black suitcase off of the wooden floorboards. She chucked the suitcase over to Athena, but before the object could hit the floor with a bang, scarlet energy spilled out of the palms of the blonde's hands and led it back onto the bed.

"What about you? Where are you going to go?" Athena bombarded Tessa with questions. Tessa placed herself next to her sister and wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm going back to the Spiral Labyrinth," she answered.

"You can't do that! You just got here Tessa!" Athena yelled. She pushed herself off of the bed to stand in front of her misty-eyed sister.

"I have to," she said. Athena raised her pale arms up in annoyance and began making her way towards her wardrobe. She grabbed various clothing items and shoved them into the suitcase Tessa had thrown at her. She slammed the black plastic lid of the suitcase down and roughly pulled the zipper to close it.

"Come on. You can Portal us to Magnus's apartment and I'll say goodbye to him before I go back to the Labyrinth," Tessa glumly stated. She picked up Athena's suitcase and dragged it towards the wall while Athena raised her hands to create a Portal. The wall shone with purple once Athena finished creating it and Tessa grabbed the black suitcase and carefully stepped into the Portal. Athena began thinking about the certain aspects of Magnus's apartment while she too stepped into the glowing mass.


WHEN she arrived at Magnus's apartment, she took a moment to take a look around before settling down on a velvet couch. She did not see Tessa and Magnus when she walked in, so she figured they must be in another area of the apartment. Just as she sat down, her sister and friend walked into the room. She rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh.

Athena bounced off of the velvet couch and nimbly walked towards her dearest friend. She extended her arms out to Magnus and pulled him into an embrace. "Hi!" She exclaimed. Magnus simply laughed and motioned for her to follow him. They walked down the long corridors to a wooden door leading into a gorgeous bedroom. She carefully stepped onto the wooden floorboards of the room to take a glance around.

She was astounded by the room, and quickly pulled Magnus into another embrace. He laughed and placed his arms around the girl once again before pulling apart. Tessa stood in the corner of the room, awkwardly smiling.

"Well, I should get back to the Spiral Labyrinth. I can't keep them waiting," She addressed. Athena and Magnus bid their goodbyes to Tessa as she walked out of the room. Magnus tailed behind her to make a Portal for her to leave in.

Athena closed the door to the lavish bedroom and placed herself upon the armchair in her room. She pulled out her cellphone to see that she had a text from Isabelle. The text asked for Athena to come to the institute because they needed her help. She snapped her phone shut and raced out of the door of her bedroom.

She placed herself in front of an expansive wall and began to make a Portal to lead her to the Institute. She stepped into the Portal, letting it take her to her location.


a/n: this is just a filler, i apologize! most of my chapters are thirty to forty pages long, unless they are fillers.

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