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ATHENA couldn't believe how naive she had been. Normally, the girl could easily come to a conclusion about her wandering thoughts. This time, however, she let the familiarity of Clary Fray slip away like water through her fingers.

Athena grabbed her phone off of the oak dresser next to her bed and glanced at the time. 3:00 in the morning. She knew that it was too early, and that Clary was probably sleeping, but she felt the need to tell the girl.

Eventually, she decided to send the fierce redhead a simple text depicting of where Clary was to meet her. She gave no details as to why she wanted to meet the girl. Instead, she went straight to the point. Athena felt like the girl could use some explaining after all she had been through.

Admittedly, the blonde was a bit nervous about the whole meet up. The many things that could go wrong sifted through her brain, driving the girl insane. She suddenly reached for her phone, wanting to send Clary a short message about how she had other plans. Her fingertips grazed the cold metal surface of the phone before snatching her hand away.

Athena wondered if Jocelyn would even want Clary to know many of the things that she was yearning to tell her. Yet, Jocelyn was in a coma, and Athena felt that the girl did need answers. Something to make her life make more sense.

So, she snatched up her coat and pulled it over her pale shoulders, embracing the warmth the coat brought to her. She raised her hands, making a Portal to where Clary was to meet her.


THE leaves crunched against Athena's worn combat boots as she made her way towards a faded yellow bench in the middle of Battery Park. She glanced at the water, small waves rippling across it in the cold New York breeze. She sighed, thinking of everything that had gone right the past few days.

She wanted to latch onto something good that had happened, instead of focusing on the bad. That was all Athena ever did. The thoughts swallowed Athena whole, dragging her into endless self-loathing. She pounded her pale hands against her forehead, trying to rid herself of the impending dark thoughts.

That was when she thought of Isabelle. Isabelle made her feel like herself, not the detached version, but the self that was all bright smiles and kind words. Yet, Athena felt as if she should stay away from the girl. Loving her would surely end in Isabelle's demise, because all Athena ever brought along with her was death.

She could not bear to imagine Isabelle's death. Robert and Maryse would surely have her head if they ever found out she had brought upon Isabelle's death. She also had kissed Isabelle, and the Shadowhunters didn't think highly of their kind loving someone of the same gender.

Yes, it was probably best to stay away from the raven haired girl.

Athena looked up to see Clary's bright red curls bouncing as she walked. Clary made eye contact with the blonde and gave her a bright smile. Athena admired that the girl could smile when everything was so confusing for her.

"What did you want to see me for?" Clary asked, worry laced in her tone.

"There's something you should probably know," Athena stated. She was trying to come up with how to tell her, without revealing too much. After all, the blonde did not want to make Jocelyn Fray angry. She decided to keep it simple.

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