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ALL Athena ever wanted was to find someone who she could be with forever, yet she was always faced with the lugubriousness of immortality. She had no interest in anyone she had met in her many years, and no one had any interest in her.

Everyone who was aware of the Shadow World thought she was too crestfallen to want to be around her. Tessa and Magnus were the only people who had wanted to spend their time with the girl. Now she had found people who cared for her. She never imagined that she would find friends in Shadowhunters.

Athena was conditioned to believe that Shadowhunters were narcissistic half-angel half-human beings that didn't care about Downworlders like herself. When she had met the Shadowhunters of the New York Institute, she felt light and happiness engulfing her.

Now, here she sat, tied to a chair by Raphael Santiago and his minions in the Hotel Dumort. She vaguely remembered a time when it had been called the Hotel Dumont. She remembered the fall of the hotel when drugged up vampires roamed the streets performing crazy acts in their inebriated state. Here, Athena felt pain and darkness of the past she wished she could mend.

Snapping out of her trance, she went to work on the knots binding her to the chair. She lightly chuckled at the fact that the vampires had tied her, a warlock, to a chair. That was when she noticed she was injured. Athena hardly cared. After removing herself from the chair, she gently placed her pale hands over the seeping cut and healed it. Scarlet energy poured out of her hands and immersed itself into the gaping cut the vampires had inflicted upon her. As if vanishing stitches had been woven between the gnarled skin on her side, and disappeared soon after, only a silvery scar remained.

She raced over the large door and twisted the frigid knob to no avail. Athena sighed and began working on the lock. She pulled the door open and ran down the hallway, hearing the light sound of Isabelle's voice. She sprinted towards the girl, engulfing her in a hug.

The raven haired girl pushed the blonde away, continuing to slash at the oncoming vampires streaming through the door. Athena shamed herself for being so careless and began to help the Lightwood siblings to defeat the vampires.

Isabelle nodded towards the door and began striding towards it. Athena followed Alec and Isabelle to wherever she was taking the pair.


ISABELLE, Alec, and Athena strode into the room where they found Clary and Jace fending off more vampires. Alec raised his bow and shot at the wall, creating a pool of bright light on the vampire attacking Clary. The vampire burst into ashes and crumbled to the ground. Clary and Jace slaughtered the remaining two vampires as Isabelle and Alec stood watching.

Jace looked fondly at Clary, happy she had killed her first vampire. "Alright enough with the mushiness, let's get working," Athena grunted. She didn't care to find Simon, but Clary loved the boy and Athena considered the redhead a friend. Therefore, Athena decided she would help save the mundane.

"I killed him," Clary wondered aloud.

"He was already dead," Jace responded.

Clary tilted her head gently to the side, agreeing with the blonde Shadowhunter. "Plus he wanted to kill you, remember that," Izzy stated. She walked towards the pair, brown heels clacking against the floor.

"She did great, right?" Izzy asked Jace.

"Yeah, you did. You should be proud," Jace encouraged. The girl was still shocked she had killed someone. Athena walked towards the girl, patting her on the shoulder in reassurance.

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