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ISABELLE came by that day. When Athena opened the door, she was a bit surprised to see the raven haired girl standing in front of her with a broad smile stretched across her face. Athena couldn't quite understand how Isabelle could be so optimistic at times. She had a hard time faking her happiness and placing a smile upon her face.

She wasn't happy. Whenever everything became brighter to her, she was dragged back down into a black oblivion of sadness. She lost everyone. Her mother died when the demon who pretended to be Athena's father killed her.

Athena placed a makeshift smile upon her face and opened the door wider to allow Isabelle entry. Isabelle stomped her way over to Magnus's couch and sat down. Athena quirked her brow up at the sight.

"Why don't we come to my room?" Athena asked.

Isabelle shrugged and grabbed Athena's hand, leading her to her bedroom. Athena didn't really want to see Isabelle at all. She wasn't in the right state of mind and she couldn't think straight. She wasn't just going to ignore the fact that she had kissed Isabelle, but she wanted to, so she decided not to mention it. She simply wanted to forget it had ever happened.

"So," Isabelle drawled, tracing the sheets of Athena's bed, "what was that kiss about?"

Athena froze, mouth gaping. She couldn't begin to form a proper sentence after those words left the raven haired girl's mouth. Isabelle frowned, grabbing Athena's hand and soothingly rubbing it. Athena snatched her hand away and began to pace around her small bedroom.

"I-I can't," Athena cried, burying her face into a pillow on her bed. She hated when she was like this. Her breath quivered in her throat, her hands trembled, and tears poured out of her eyes. Isabelle's eyes softened as she scooted closer to the blonde. Athena looked up into the girl's eyes.

Isabelle's eyes were like swirling coffee in a ceramic cup early in the morning. They reminded Athena of the worn edges of her combat boots and the rough bark of trees in the forest. There was so much compassion in Izzy's eyes that Athena wanted nothing more than to smother the girl in kisses.

Instead, she simply leaned against Izzy. She sniffled and tried to place a genuine smile upon her lips. Her smile quickly faltered when she remembered not to get too close to anyone. She couldn't risk loving someone too much, in fear of losing them, just like she lost her mother.

Yet, Athena couldn't shake the feeling that she loved the girl with the chocolate eyes too much already. She was falling into the never-ending abyss that was Isabelle Lightwood, and she would never be able to escape. Athena found herself not wanting to, but for her own sake, she had to keep her distance.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," Athena mumbled.

"Yes. You should have," Isabelle countered. She pulled Athena closer to her, wrapping her arms around the blonde.

"You don't understand," Athena whimpered, attempting to escape the grasp of Isabelle. Isabelle just tightened her grasp, pulling Athena closer. She inhaled the smell of lavender in Isabelle's hair and smiled, if only for a second.

"What don't I understand?" Isabelle questioned. Her brows furrowed, glancing down at the blonde haired girl in her grasp.

"None of your business," Athena snapped. She shoved Isabelle's arms off of her and stomped out of her bedroom. She began to make a Portal to go somewhere, anywhere to make her feel better. She turned around to look at the girl in the doorway. Her eyes were filled with sorrow and regret. Athena wanted nothing more than to hug the girl, but she couldn't.

a rush of blood to the head | isabelle lightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now