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Here's a little oneshot I wrote during the winter a while ago. Obviously Athena and Isabelle aren't together in the actual plot (yet) but they are here. I wrote this at 6 am so pardon any mistakes. This is gonna be really fluffy (:

ATHENA was freezing, to say the least. Her coat was wrapped tightly around her body, mustering up as much heat as it could give the blonde. Her pale hands were shaking as she was waiting for her raven haired girlfriend.

Isabelle always took forever to get ready, no matter the occasion. Athena was waiting outside of Magnus's apartment for Isabelle. They were headed off to the Institute for a Christmas party and Isabelle insisted on the two getting ready together.

Isabelle had dressed Athena in the least revealing thing she could find in her closet, as that wasn't the clothing style Athena preferred. It was a dress, reaching mid-thigh, as black as obsidian in color. Her legs peeked out through the end of her coat, and goosebumps were beginning to form upon her pale legs in the cold wintry weather.

Athena groaned and began to make her way back into the apartment to see what was talking the girl so long. She walked in to see Isabelle in front of the mirror, admiring her outfit.

"While you do look absolutely gorgeous," Athena sighed, "we have no time for you to gawk at yourself. Let's go."

Isabelle turned away from her reflection and gave the blonde a coy smile. She bounded towards her, placing a quick peck upon her lips while leaning into her arms. Athena sighed, wrapping her arms tightly around the girl as she smothered her face in kisses.

Athena grabbed Isabelle's viridescent coat for her to put on. Isabelle wrapped it tightly around her, zipping the zipper up to the top. The two joined hands and exited the apartment, heading to the Institute.


UPON arriving, Athena decided she had never seen anything more beautiful than the New York Institute during the winter. The gothic cathedral was dusted with snow, and Christmas lights were wound around the place. The trees outside were also covered with bright lights. Too bad the mundanes couldn't see through a glamour, they were certainly missing out.

Athena giddily smiled at Isabelle and bounded up the steps of the Institute. "Excited, are we?" Isabelle asked her girlfriend.

Athena ignored her comment and dragged her inside the Institute. There was a beautiful Christmas tree displayed in the center, and many presents were placed under the tree. Garland and mistletoe were strung throughout the place. Athena smiled, there was nothing she loved more than the winter.

Just as the two walked in, Jace, Alec, Clary, Simon, and Jocelyn entered the main entrance. Clary gasped and made her way to the two girls, wrapping her arms around both of them.

"Merry Christmas!" Clary exclaimed.

"See, someone is just as excited as me," Athena mumbled into Isabelle's ear. Isabelle chuckled and pulled the girl towards her brother. Athena laughed and hugged Alec tightly. Isabelle did the same soon after.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Athena told them. The group laughed and engulfed the couple into a group hug. Athena felt warm inside, this was her new family. She loved them unconditionally and she would do anything for them.

Athena glanced down at the glittering present in her hand, and up to her chatting girlfriend. She slowly walked towards the girl and placed her hands over Isabelle's eyes.

"Guess who?" Athena asked, giggling. Isabelle abruptly turned around and kissed the girl, setting her heart aflame. She laughed and handed her girlfriend her present.

"You didn't have to get me anything," Isabelle said. She looked up to her girlfriend's excited face and began to tear open the glittering wrapping. Isabelle's face was alight with happiness when she saw what her girlfriend had gotten her.

"Do you want me to put it on you?" Athena asked. Isabelle nodded and handed her the sparkling necklace that held a picture of Athena and Isabelle inside of it. Athena gathered up Isabelle's raven hair and slung it over the side of her neck. She quickly placed a kiss on the girl's neck before connecting the chain of the necklace.

Athena looked up and saw that a leaf of mistletoe was placed on the ceiling above them by Jace. Athena shot a glare at Jace. He simply laughed and made his way over to Clary.

"Mistletoe," Isabelle stated. Athena pulled the other girl closer and kissed her. Their lips moved in sync, making Athena feel alive. She pulled away, breathless. Isabelle smiled and picked the girl up, carrying her over to the group that consisted of Jace, Clary, Alec, Simon, Jocelyn, and now, Max.

The group began to open presents with smiles set upon their faces and joy in the air.


LATER that night, when the sky was dark and New York was quiet, Athena and Izzy sat upon the snowy steps of the night Institute. Their hands were intertwined as they stared out at the glittering city. Snow beat down upon the ground and Athena felt the happiest she had ever been.

She looked to her left, at her girlfriend, and smiled in what seemed like the first time in a while. She stared at Izzy's facial features, her dark skin and coffee colored eyes.

She leaned her head on the girl's shoulder, looking out at all of the towering buildings. Isabelle lifted the girl's head up and lifted Athena's legs onto her lap. Athena leaned forward and captured Izzy's lips into a kiss.

Athena was engulfed in happiness. She wanted to be with no one other than Izzy. She never knew that such a feeling existed. One as powerful as it made her feel. She sighed and leaned back against the steps, staring at the stars in the sky.

"I love you, Iz."

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