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Athena covered her mouth, muffling a scream that threatened to seep through her lips. She turned to the direction of the shooter, seeing Alec with his bow raised in their direction. She sighed, realizing he had saved them. Alec made his way over to them, tugging the arrow out of the man's chest.

"Who are you?" Magnus asked in surprise.

Alec turned around and tossed his glowing seraph blade in the air. Magnus stopped looking at the man as he paced towards the portal, about to step through it. Before he could, Clary grasped his arm tightly yelling, "Magnus, wait!"

"You're my only hope," she begged.

"Valentine found us. I warned your mother this might happen," he said, worry laced in his tone. He wrenched his arm out of Clary's grasp and stepped through the portal, the whole thing disappearing as he went.

Clary glanced at her closed fist hanging in the air, now void of Magnus's arm. Isabelle made her way towards the group. "The area's clear, looks like he was the only assassin."

"He has a Circle rune on the base of his neck," Alec said as he examined the body. His pale fingers turned the man's head side to side.

"They found us. It's not safe here. Clary, we have to go," Jace said, making his way out of the club. Isabelle and Athena turned around and followed, but the trio turned around as soon as they realized the redhead was not following.

"Clary," Jace said, pacing back to the distraught girl.


THE group pushed through a door out of the club, sad looks upon majority of their faces.

"Well, that went well," Athena sarcastically remarked. Isabelle slightly chuckled, tossing her head back.

Clary was still moving slowly, and Isabelle and Athena turned back to worriedly look at the girl. "Jace," Athena warned.

Jace turned back around, annoyed at the situation. "Clary, we have to move."

Clary shut the door behind her and closed her eyes, breathing in. "I'm catching my breath," she retorted. Athena and Isabelle consoled the girl as Alec began to speak.

"You know, this is great. And not only did Magnus not get the girl her memories back, he took the necklace. This is fantastic--" Alec ranted before he was interrupted by Jace.

Athena shifted uncomfortably next to Izzy and Clary. The heels were beginning to make her feet ache and she desperately wanted to take them off and rid herself of the pain. Jace and Alec continued to heatedly argue as Athena tuned them out.

"Hey, I am right here!" Clary said. She took her arms off of Izzy and Athena's shoulders and stalked towards Alec. "I don't care about your damn jewelry." She continued to make her way towards Alec. "I'm sorry you're gonna look bad in front of your bosses, okay?"

Clary raised her voice, wildly gesturing as she spoke. "But my mother is still missing and my last chance at finding her just disappeared into thin air!" Tears began to form in her ducts as they fell down her face.

a rush of blood to the head | isabelle lightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now