Spark of Something New

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Roland was in love with all of the new things he had gotten. His mother had to pry him away from the television so he could do something productive for the day. She was still trying to get used to him being five, it seemed like such a old age for her little boy. It was still early in the morning, which made it especially odd when the doorbell rang.

Regina, Robin, Roland, and Henry were all watching cartoons on the couch. None of them ha a desire to answer the door, so it took a few long, drawn out seconds before any of them got up.

"Neal... What are you going here?" Robin asked, still dressed in checkered pajama bottoms and a grey t shirt.

The man that stood already wore a guilty expression on his face. He held a small box in his hands, one that was tied with a red ribbon on top.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. Thought I'd swing by before work and drop this off for Roland."

Robin examined the gift for a moment, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well, it was Roland's party, not mine. I'll go get him."

A few moments later, the boy came to the door, looking sleepy and slightly confused as he glanced up at Neal.

"Hey there, how've you been?"

Roland tilted his head to the side, curiously glancing at the box in his hands. "You and Killian were fighting at my party," he stated firmly, knowing why he had came. He was young, but he wasn't stupid- bribery seldom worked. "It was my party! Why do you always have to be mean to each other?"

Neal sighed, not knowing how to tell him. "Look, I really am sorry. I don't like to fight... It just happened, you know? I thought this present would make up for it."

He then presented the box to him, which Roland carefully looked over before opening. Inside was a single piece of paper; etched upon the paper was a sketch of his favorite superhero, Superman, with a child standing next to him, one he automatically presumed was him. They were colored in with bright colored pencils.

Roland knew he was supposed to be cross with him, but he could help but smile.

"I-I know it's not much... But I know how much you like Superman-"

"I think it's awesome!" Roland told him, "I'll hang it up in my room if Mommy will let me."

Neal seemed more than relieved. "So... Are we good then? You and I?"

Roland tore his eyes away from the picture after a few seconds to look back up at him.

"Do you promise to try and get along with Hook?"

Naturally, the man sighed. Even though Roland was only five, he was sure smart.

"I guess I could... Try." He managed, thinking in his head how preposterous the idea was. Killian was nothing more than a villain, a filthy pirate- he still had no idea why Emma was so caught up on him, despite how many times she denied it. Neal hated to say it, but he was jealous of that filthy pirate.

"Good," Roland said, feeling satisfied with himself.

Just then, Henry came behind him, hooking his arm around his little brother's neck.

"Hey Dad! Did you draw that yourself?" He asked, peering down at the photo.

"Yeah, tried to at least. Drawing is hard than it looks." Neal replied, sending his son a smile. "You want to grab some breakfast?"

Henry nodded. "Sure! Let me ask- you know- other Dad."

He dashed back towards the living room, though he was sure Robin would say yes.

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