Ticci Toby x reader

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This lemon will be based on the creepypasta story just so you won't be confused. It Will be twisted around a bit.

You were Toby's only friend, the only one that didn't make fun of the way he ticked and twitched. You hated the kids at your school just because they picked on him for something he had no control of, I wasn't his fault that he was like this. You and Toby were very close and never left each other's side, before he was force to be home schooled.

"I'm sorry." He said as his eyes filled with tears. He felt awful that he had to leave the only person, besides his mother, that cared about him.

"Don't be, I will come and visit you okay." You said with a sweet smoothing voice.

"Promise?" He asked with a voice full of hope.


He smiled a smile you had never seen before, a real smile, a smile that didn't hide sadness. He went to walk away but stoped, then turned towards you again. "(Y/n)"

"Yeah Toby,"

"I love you." Than he kissed you. Your eyes widened in shock.

"Toby come on get you ass in the car" you herd his father yell. You and Toby pulled away from each other, you missing the feeling of his lips. "Hey Toby, I love you to."

He smiled that happy smile once more. "Toby, I said get your ass in the car." His father yelled once more. Toby started to walk away, knowing that he was going to get beaten for not listening to his father the first time he demanded him to get in the car. But he didn't care, he wouldn't be able to feel it anyway, and he wouldn't care because he kissed the girl he loved since the first day of school.

Toby got in the car, and for the first time since his sisters death didn't feel sad or scared. He felt happy, like the world was different. He looked out the window and waved goodbye to you and you sadly waved back.

~~a week later~~

You haven't heard from Toby in a while and you were were missing him like crazy. You were also board, a didn't know what to do, then suddenly the promise you made with Toby popped in you head. You hopped up and started out the door on your way to see your Toby.

"Toby, it's me (y/n)." You yelled once you reached their door. You waited for a bit before knocking on the door again. "Toby~!" You yelled again. Are they home? Their car is here. In the middle of your thinking, Mr.Rogers screamed from inside the house. "Mr.Rogers?! Are you ok?!"

No reply just another scream, but this time it was Mrs.Rogers. You grabbed the door knob and tried the open the door, but it was locked. After trying to open the door once more, you rammed the side of you body against the door hopping to brake it open. You did this repeatedly, each strike getting harder and harder till finally the door burst open.

The sight in front of you left you in terror but not a ton of shock. Toby was in the kitchen standing over his father's dead corpse, with a knife in his hand and he was covered in blood. Where is Mrs.Rogers! You thought. Hopping she wasn't harmed, you looked around and saw her standing in the corner shaking like crazy. Toby turned around looking dead at first, then he say you. the terror in your eyes,

"(y-y/n), i... i," Toby couldn't find the words that could describe what happened or how he felt, he didn't want (y/n) to think bad of him, he killed his father for a good reason. He father deserved to be killed, he was a monster, he beat Toby and his mother, he didn't care when his daughter died, he didn't even show up at her funeral because he was to drunk.

"Toby, w-why," you didn't get a chance to finish you sentence because Toby ran out the door without looking back. You chased after him without a second thought. only to see him with two hatches and a gallon of gasoline.

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