Lucio x seme!male reader

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Lime (side note lucio is FUCKING adorable, and lucio might be a bit ooc)

"Lucio, I need healing!"

"On my way, (y/n)!"

Lucio rushed his way over to the bleeding worior, and or his crush, who was hiding in one of the buldings in Kings Row.

"Where does it hurt?"


The (h/c) haired man lifted his shirt to show a deep cut on his side. Lucio blushed, not at the cut, but at the sight of his crushes well formed body. Lucio bit on his bottom lip and ran his hand down (y/n)s abs. (Y/n) chuckled, "Enjoying yourself Lucio?"

Snaping out if his thoughts, Lucio blushed a deep shade of red and blasted his healing playlist, not wanting to make eye contact with the man in need.

Slowly (y/n)s wound started to heal, causing him to let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you,"

"N-no problem, j-just doing my job,"

"Well you're damn good at it,"

Lucios face turned more red, as he looked away. He so adorable, (y/n) thought.

"W-well i better get going," Said Lucio, then ran off.


(Y/n) looked to the right where the voice came from and saw Dva with her camra.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Y/n) walked down the hallway twords Lucio's room. He wanted to thank him for helping him, property. Well without gun shots and yelling.

Once he reaches the door, he gave it a small knock. Shuffling was heard on the other side of the door, then a click. The door opened to revele Lucio in a adorible frog wonsie, rubbing his tired eyes. So fucking cute, (y/n) thought.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Lucio said, a slight blush forming on his face.

"Im here to talk to you, well to thank you for helping me during our mission today."

"It was n-no problem." Lucio started to hide his face behind the door.

"May i come in,"

Lucio nodded and stepped aside for his beloved to enter the well cept room. There were posters on the wall and lots of records and cds placed neatly on the shelfs by the closet on the left side of the room.

~Lucio's pov~

(Y/n) walked into my room and took a small look around, then looked at me. "Lucio, can i ask you something,"


"Do you like me, like, like like me?"

I nodded, and hid my face with my hands. I herd him chuckle, he cupped my cheeks with his warm hand, the warmth madeing me lean into his hand. He pulled my hands away from my face, "good, " he said "i like you to"

I felt his lips brush against mine, my face heating up even more. He leaned closing the space between us. Our lips fit together perfectly and move together in sync. I felt his tounge run against my bottm lip.

I pulled away fton the kiss before to got too heated. "Whats wrong?"

"I-ive never kissed someone like this before,"

A sly smirk apered on his face when i said that. "Is that so," he took my hand and travled it up his shirt, "you seemed to like touching me earlier, didnt you?"

I nodded.

"Dirty boy," he said. I felt his hands travel down my sides, making chils go down my spine, then he griped my butt through my wonsie. I sqeeked quietly and hid my face in his chest.

"Lets take this to the bed" he whispered in my ear.

The taller man picked me up and layed me on the bed, then started kissing and biting my neck.

~3rd pov~

Lucio moaned when y/n bit down on a spot on his neck. Y/n smirked and but down harder on that spot. A bulge started to grow in Lucio's wonsie, and it was vary noticable to the y/n. "Exited Lucio?"

Lucio nodded, his mind to hazed to come up with words, a wave if plesure ran through Lucio's body as
Y/n grindes there erections together.

"Ahhh! D-do that again!" Lucio moaned.

The larger man grinded on his uke again, but a bit harder. Lucio arched his back and panted heavily, a wet patch fromed on the green fabric of his pjs. "Ah-ahhhh, Y-y/n."

"Did you cum?"

Lucio looked away, his face too red. He couldn't bring himself to look y/n in the face. Y/n chuckled and grabbed Lucio's chin and turning his head so he was looking at him. "It's ok, you dont need to be embarrassed." Y/n said, he gave his love a peck on the cheek.

Y/n's hands travled to the zipper of Lucios pjs and slowly pulles it down, but only to the top of his belly botton. This made Lucio whimper, him wanting to be free of the hot clothing. Y/n helpes him take his trembling arms out of the sleeves. He kissed down to Lucios chest, and lightly bit his perky buds. "Ahh, y-y/n"

Y/n slid his large, warm hands down Lucios sides then back up. Lucios back arched, bring his chest closer to his lovers lips, and he tangled his fingers in his lovers hair.

Y/n pulled off of Lucios nipples, and gave him a cocky grin. "I think it's my turn to get some pleasure"

The taller man sat up on his kneese and sliping off his shirt. Lucio drooled over the well build body that was in front of him. Y/n chuckled and started slowly undoing his belt. This made Lucio grunt slightly and get on his knees and yank y/n belt out of his pant loops. "Someones eger,"

"Sh-shut it,"

Y/n chuckled and let Lucio do as he wished. Lucio ran his hands to y/n's zipper and unzipped it then pulled down his pants. Y/n slipped if pants compleatly off for Lucio and pulled his boxers off as well. Lucio was now face to face with y/n's large erection.

"It's so big," Lucio said though he didn't mean to say it out loud.

Y/n smiled at how cute Lucio was. Lucio noticed the taller man looking at him, I might want to do something, Lucio thought. He place his two of his fingers in his mouth, making them wet. Then he slid them out, and his hand descended to his puckered hole. He kept eye contact with y/n as he rubbed his finger around his hole, then sliped it in.

An airy moan sliped from his lips, then he added the second one in, doing a scissoring motion. At this point, y/n's dick was oozing pre-cum, watching someone he wouldn't expect to toutch themselfs doing it right in front of him.

"Ahh, y-y/n, come h-here, ohh." Lucio moaned.

Y/n got closer to Lucio, the tip of his length brushed agenst Lucio's lips.


Both you and Lucio snaped your heads to the side to see Hana and Angala with bloody noses and cameras.

Great, now they have blackmail.


1196 word count
I think im doing better😁 well i hope you enjoyed it.

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