Neko! America x Neko! Reader

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You were standing on a hill with
your boyfriend Alfred as he taught you how to shoot the gun he got you a few days ago. Its been going good till something happened. "Okay (y/n), so you put you left hand here, and your right hand here. Than you aim and shoot. Simple."

You set the gun on your shoulder about to shoot then you heard Alfred make a strange noise. You turned around and saw he had a heavy blush spred across hiss face. "Alfred, are you ok."

"Y-yeah. Bebe i-i need to go." And with that he ran home, and you knew why. He was on his mating session, you could sense it. Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that you were on yours to, but unlike Alfred you could control yourself.

You let out a chuckle and turned back to shooting. Aim then shoot, aim then, yelp! "Oh, what did I hit!"

You ran over to where the yelp was heard, and it was a bunny, of all animals you had to shoot a bunny (you monster). "I'm sorry little guy!" You wailed. You scooped the bunny in your arms and ran all the way to Alfred's and Mathew's house, forgetting all about your and, Alfred's mating thing.

~~~skip time~~~

Once you reached the house you started to feel strange, but ignored it for the Bunny's sake. Knocking on the door frantically, you checked and made sure that the bunny was okay, still alive. Finally Mathew opened the door, "Hey (y/n), AAAAAAAAAAAAA, WHAT DOD YOU DO!" tears came to the corners of his eyes as he looked at the bloody rabbit in your arms. "I was shooting my gun a-and..." you couldn't finish your sentience because you were about to cry. 

Matthew took the rabbit from your arms and brought him to the table so he could fix him up, "Its okay, you didn't mean to. Hey can you go and check on on Alfred, he has been acting weird lately."

"Yeah, sure." you started to walk up the stairs, ONCE AGAIN forgetting that you and Alfred were on you mating season. As you got closer to Alfred's room, your body got hotter and hotter, but you just ignored it and continued to walk to his room. When you got to the door, you opened it to find a blushing man curled up on his side on his bed with his eyes close, his ears pined to his head and a body pillow snuggled up to him. He let out a whimper as he opened his eyes and looked down towards his pants. "G-go away, I want to hang out with (y/n), but i cant if your here." he wined. You looked down and saw who/what he was talking to (if you don't know you're to young) , that's when you remembered and understood why your body felt weird. 

You felt bad for Alfred and walked into his room, shut the door and locked it. He look up with a panicked look on his face. "(y-y/n) what are you doing here, Uhh now isn't a good time y-you should go." he got up and started to push you towards the door.

"No i'm not leaving Al." you said as you pushed him on his bed so he was sitting, you were starting to lose yourself, but tried not to as you moved between his legs. "(y/n) what are you doing ?!"

"I'm helping you. You said you wanted this thing gone right," you said as you unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers, man he's big, you thought as you gently grabbed his member making him grunt slightly. You started to jerk him off, playing with the tip once and a while. "A-aaaa, (y/n) you don't need to do this." He said as his eyes turned to slits.

You ignored him and only put the tip of his his erection in your mouth. "F-fuck (y/n). D-don't tease m-me."

You were shocked to here Alfred swear, but did as he said and put his length in you mouth. Alfred let out a small moan, and pushed your head down further. You chuckled a bit, vibrating his 'florida' (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )). "Mmmmmm,   (y-y/n), I'm c-close."

He's close already, you thought. Alfred moved his hand to your head and messed with your ears. As he was about to release, you pulled away, his orgasm slipping away from him. "h-hey!" Alfred didn't seem to like that so much.

He member was pulsing, leaking pre cum, "let me cum, please," his eyed were filed with need and lust. You shook your head, showing him that he wasn't aloud to cum till you said. This only made him more upset, "F-fine, I'll do it myself."

His hand started to trail towards his length in till you smacked it away. "I said no Alfred."

"You said you would help me," he whined. You chuckled and leaned towards his ear, "I am helping, you just need to be patient."


"No,"you said in a stern voice. He crossed his arms and stuck his bottom lip out, Even at times like these he still has time to be cute, "Now Alfred, lay down,"

"What, no way I'm being the uke-aaaaaa!"  A moan left his lips as you used your index finger to rub cereals around the tip of his shaft. "O-ok," he said laying down.

You let a smirk appear on your face as you straddled his hips, making sure to grind your knee on him on your way on top. Alfred looked at you with lust filled eyes, "b-bebe please, you're teasing to much,"

"Oh am I?"

"Yes," you jumped a bit at his sudden change of tone, it went from whiny to a serious more commanding one. Alfred sat up and gripped the back of your head, "If you tease any more I will need to punish you, got that?"

You nodded and blushed a bit at his sudden dominance. Alfred griped the back of your head tighter and forced your lips on to his. After a few minutes, you felt him lick your bottom lip you, asking for access, which you  didn't give him. That irritated Alfred, so he reached up and tugged on your ear making you gasp/yelp a bit. This gave him the advantage that he desired. But before he got the chance to so what he wanted, but you pulled away. "Play nice~" you whined.

"Why, you weren't."

Alfred got a little tired of you being on top and pined you to the bed. Things started to go downhill for you at this point, you were no longer in charge and you won't get your way from now on, that was clear.

"You won't be able to walk after today I can promise  you that." 

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