Chapter One

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Sky's P.O.V👅

"One tequila, two tequila, three tequila four!" Dad sings laughing as he swings open the front door. Nikkie and Tessa run up the stairs to they're room.

Jason isn't home from working yet so I just slowly push myself off of the couch trying to not attract dad's attention.

"Skyyy babyyy" dad slurs and staggers over to me. He leans down and the nauseating scent of alcohol floods my nostrils. My face contorts as I back up from him, as I do so he looks taken back.

"Child what the hell do you think you're doing looking at me like that?" He says in a drunken manner.

"Dad you're drunk, you need to go lye down." I state matter of factly. Suddenly he throws his hand back and slaps my face with a sharp impact.

I flinch and hold my face as I cower up on the couch.
"You ugly bitch you have no right to look at me like I'm a monster." He yells and throws his hand back to slap me again.

I feel the tears flowing down my face as I set here terrified.
"Dad please jus--"

He hits me as I try to reason with him for him to stop. He throws his arm back once more and I brace myself for the impact but it never came.

I look over to see Jason on top of my dad pinning him down and punching him.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on Skyler again! Do you hear me you son of a bitch!? You will never hurt any of us again we're done being victims!"

Jason gets off of dad and runs over to me taking my face in his hands and examining it carefully.

"I'm so sorry Sky its over I promise he will never hurt you guys again."
With that he hugs me like I'm going to disappear into his arms.
"Let's go pack our stuff and grab Nikkie and Tessa"

We run up the stairs and begin to pack our stuff. "Where are we going to go?" Nikkie says.

"To a new start and a new adventure." Says Jason.
Nikkie and Tessa are only eleven, they are beautiful identical twins with long blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

"Will he becoming..?" Says Tessa nervously referring to dad.
Jason walks over to the girls and envelops them into a hug.

"Definitely not, he will never be able to hurt my girls again." He says with determination laced with every word.

"Now let's get packing" he says as we start throwing our belongings in suitcases. The girls grab they're bows and dolls. And I grab our clothes and shoes.

We jog downstairs and get into Jason's car. I make sure the girls are buckled as Jason places all our suitcases into the trunk.

He gets in and starts the engine, as one of the girls begin to sofly snore. I look at Jason and he motions for me to stay quiet until both girls are asleep and I nod in agreement.

I look back at the house to take my last glance at the horror movie I have lived in for the past seventeen years.

As we drive away I finally feel free; free of the drunken nights, the fights, the struggles, the hits, the physical and verbal abuse, it's all going away.

**15 minutes later**

I glance over at Jason and see him drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. I smile, I'm lucky to have him as my big brother.

"Jason" I say quietly to make sure I don't wake the girls.
"Yes Sky?" He mumbles in return so that he doesn't wake the girls either.
"Where are we going?"

My eyes become their size of saucers, that is always where I have wanted to go. "Seriously?!"

Jason laughs because of my reaction.
"Yes baby girl we're going to be living there while you finish you're senior year there and the girls finish fourth grade.

I have recently opened up my own restaurant with a friend of mine and he said so far it is going fairly well."

"This is perfect, I can finish my bad ass last year of school in California and you can work with the restaurant. The girls will be so happy here Jason."

Jason smiles the brightest smile I have ever seen on his face.
"There is also something else.." He says and smiles.

"I have asked Emma to marry me and she has agreed."
I squel like a little school girl and then try to play it cool. "That's great Jason!"

"You haven't heard the end of it either we have decided to adopt the girls as our own."
I smiled so much I thought my face was going to crack.

"Jay the girls are going to be so happy to have you as their father, I mean they already call you dad."
He glances at me and smiles,

"I know, and Sky you will always be my baby sister and my daughter wrapped into one." He says as we roll to a stop at a red light. I lean over and hug him and the hug says everything I want to say.

I lean my head on the hear rest and close my eyes as I drift to sleep with my future ahead of me.

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