Chapter Five

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                          Sky's P.O.V.👅

The bell rings for lunch as I walk out of third period and make my way to the cafeteria. I look around and see Luke and Claire. I walk over and they each smile as they see me.

"Hey gorgeous!" Claire squels and Luke smiles. "Hey guys"
We began to continue with small talk as I felt a pair of muscular arms around my waist as I'm pulled into a hard chest.

I smile instantly knowing who it is. I turn around in his arms to see a smirking Aiden. "Hey beautiful" he says with a genuine smile. His hands rest lazily around my waist.

"Hey Alexander" I say with a smirk as I place my arms around his neck. This causes his smirk to fade.
"Skyyy now the guys know my first name." I laugh at his childish tone.

I glance over and see the guys looking at us with amused smiles tugging at they're lips. I role my eyes and set down as Aiden sets down next to me.

Aj decides to speak up, "soo what's up with you two love birds?" I fake gag which makes the guys laugh.
"Ew absolutely nothing." I say.
Aiden laughs, "don't let her lie boys she is secretly head-over-heels for me."

I automatically role my eyes, "No I'm not!" I say while sticking my tounge out at him. Aiden sticks his out back at me. Our friends snickered and laughed at our childish ways.

Suddenly ketchup landed on my thigh. I look up to see Luke smiling sheepishly. "Sorry" he murmurs as he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Ew it's on my thigh." I say disgusted looking down at the ketchup. Aj laughed. "That's what she said!" An said with a smirk.
"Not to you" we look over and everyone busts into laughter as Claire said that.

Aj's jaw fell open and Conor leaned over. "Man close you're mouth before a fly gets in." I laugh as the scene unfolds in front of me.

I get up laughing as I walk over to the vending machine to get a drink. I place my dollar in as someone comes up behind me.
"Hey good looking" I turn around to see a tall guy with jet black hair.

"Uhm hello" I say and move away.
He leans forward and moves a stray hair from my face that fell from my messy bun.

"Uhm well I'll be going.." I say awkwardly. Suddenly his hands grab my wrists as a squek comes out of me.

"How about we go to a local janitor's closet gorgeous" he says it as a statement instead of a question.
"Uh no thanks I say."
"Come on you should be dieing to sleep with me." He said with a wink.

I feel a pang of disgust spread through my body. I put my hand on his chest and try my best to push him away but sadly failed.
"Get the fuck away from me."

I walked away and went to the table. I was filled with anger but tried to hide it. Thankfully no one seems to notice.
"Are you okay?" Aiden asks with consern as he places his hand on the small of my back.

"Just peachy" I say but he obviously doesn't belive me. So he envelopes me in a slight hug. Cough cough
We looked up to see who coughed.

I see the whore that just attempted to get me to sleep with him in front of us. "Man Aiden are you with her?" He says slightly disgusted and I just stare at him pissed off.

Aiden hears his attitude torwards me and looks at the guys as if getting them to go a long with something.
He wraps his arm around my waist, which is odly comforting.

"Yeah man she's my girl, what's it to you?" He says through gritted teeth.
The whore puts his hands up in surrender. "She's just a slut man." Before and Aiden can jump to my rescue I jump in.

"And yet I still won't fuck you?" I say in the bitchiest tone I could muster. I hear gasps from around the cafeteria along with the guys trying to stiffle their laughs.

"Wow you really are a bitch, just do us all a favor and kill yourself already." He said smugly. I rolled my eyes and I could tell Aiden was about to jump the guy.

"Oh dear if I wanted to kill myself I would just climb up to you're ego and jump to the size of you're IQ." I say with a smirk on my lips.

Everyone was laughing until he slammed his fists onto the table. Then the cafeteria went dead silent.
"You're just a shallow bitch."

I dryly laughed, "Wow you have more dick in you're personality than you do in you're pants."

Everyone gasped while others laughed. "Wow such a bitch" he murmured to me. Suddenly there was a fist across his face and Aiden was on top of him smashing his face. The whore passed out from all of the punches he was receiving and Aiden go up walked over to me.

He took my hand helped me up and threw me over his shoulder. I was stunned and looked back to see the guys laughing at us amused.

I whined and pouted, "Alexanderrr let me down pleaseee" Aiden laughed and slapped my ass. "Nah I'm good I like the view." I felt my face burn as I blushed. Soon he stopped and took me off his shoulder as we entered a secluded hallway.

"What are we doing--" I was cut off by Aiden's lips crashed onto mine. I was caught by surprise. When I realized what was happening I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms went around my waist pulling me closer than I thought was possible.
Our lips moves in sync, his tounge trailed my bottom lip I granted him entrance happily. He explored my mouth which earned a moan from me. I moved forward as his back went against the lockers behind him. I leaned forward and my hips grazed his which earned a throaty moan from him.

We pulled away because of our need for air. He rested his forehead against mine. We breathed heavily, I looked up and Aiden gave me a lop sidded grin like a child on Christmas.

"We should probably get to last period."
Aiden laughed, "you are just excited to be my wife for a whole period."
I laugh, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

We begin walking as Aiden laces our fingers together. I smile to myself as we walk into class. I notice all the states we're getting but I notice a certain set of Hazel eyes burning into me. I send a smirk to Ashley. She rolls her eyes and walks torwards me.
Oh god here we go. I think to myself.

"Well well well look what the cat dragged in." Ashley says with a smirk
"What do you want Ashley?" I say while rolling my eyes.

"You away from my Aiden." I laughed "Ashley he is not 'you're Aiden' " I say while doing air quotations when I say 'you're Aiden'.

"If he's not mine then who's would he be?!" She sneered. That's when a smirk finds its way to my lips. I look at Aiden as the words leave my mouth. "Because he's mine" I say as I set in his lap and he looks at me with amusement evident in his eyes.

"You slut you're just a dumb rich bitch!!" Ashley shrieked
I smiled and stood up while pulling twenty dollars out of my pocket and placed it in her hand.
"Buy some better insults." I say menacingly. The whole class goes crazy with cat calls and dog whistles.

I smile deviously as Aiden holds my waist and walks us out of the classroom.

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