Chapter Six

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                        Sky's P.O.V.👅

The last bell rings as I stand up and walk out of the classroom. I walk out the doors and feel a slight breeze hits my neck. I place my sunglasses on my face as I walk over to Aiden's car.

I stand by the car as I scroll through Instagram. I see a cute little puppy looking for a home. Oh my gosh he's soo cute! Look at that cute little black nose and oh my those cute little eyes! And just look at--

A pair of arms wrapped around me interrupts my thoughts. I look up to see Aiden. I laugh and move over, "Just drive dork." He laughs and does as I say.

~•~•~•~•~•~20 minutes later~•~•~•~•~•~

"Which movie now?" Aiden asks he holds up three other movies.
"Hmm The Lion King!" I squel.
Aiden rases a eyebrow and laughs.
He places it in the movie player as he puts his arm around my shoulder's as I snuggle into his side.

Eventually it came to the part where they're killing Mufasa. I look away as I place my chin on Aiden's shoulder.
"I've never been able to watch this part." I mutter. Aiden chuckles and I feel butterflies float through my stomach.

He places his chin on my head, "Me either, how can they willingly kill his brother." I look up at Aiden and nod. "Exactly" I mutter as I sink into sleep. I feel a pair of soft lips press against my forehead as I drift off.

I feel someone pick me up bridal style and carry me up stairs. I feel myself being layed onto a bed and someone snuggle in next to me. I'm too tired to object. I drift off into a deep slumber.

Michael stagers torwards me menacingly. I can smell the liquor on his breath. He is gripping my arm and pulling me into the living room.

I scream and scream hoping someone, anyone will come and save me. But I'm here alone with a monster. He rears back and slaps me. I whimper and cowar into the corner.

"You ugly girl you look just like you're mother. The only difference is she actually knew how to not piss me off." I shiver at the mention of her.

"Don't say that! You have no right to!" I scream at him. He begins to punch me and wail down on my sides. I cry and cry, "please please leave me alone."

"Sky! Sky! Sky it's okay!" I jump up and continue to cry and sob into Aiden's shirt. He coos and strokes my hair. I finally stop sobbing and lean back, I lace my fingers with Aiden's.

"Did you're father hit you?"
I freeze at his words and my breathing hitches in my throat. I begin to slightly shake. Should I tell him? What will he think? Will he think I'm a coward for running from my problems?

I look up and try my best to find my voice. "Where do I start?"
He squeezes my hand, "The beginning" I look down and begin to talk.

"My, my father was a great man. His name is Michael. He was the best father ever, he was loving and kind and I had him wrapped around my finger. My mother's name is Heather. She was so beautiful, she has beautiful long brown waves like mine. Her eyes emerald green. She was everything to me and my siblings. She brought so much joy to our lives. Her smile could warm anyone's heart. One day she found out that she was diagnosed with cancer.. She tried her best to not let it bother her but she slowly began to loose her strength because of the chemo. She couldn't do as many things as she was use to. My dad tended to her every move, he stood by her and cared for her and loved her the whole way through. I smiled at the memory of how loving he was to her. One day I came home to find Jason crying in his room. I immediately knew what was wrong. I ran to my dad being the daddy's girl I was. When I ran into his study I was surrounded by the smell of alcohol. I looked at him in disgust as I looked into his eyes. Instead of seeing the sweet, loving warm blue eyes I had loved they were replaced with eyes that held absolutely no emotion. He began to become more and more uhm well angry as he drank.." I began to cry and shake as I tried to speak.
Aiden gave my hand a slight squeeze to help me continue.

"He would become abusive when he was drunk. At first he would only get drunk on the weekends and beat the shit out of me and Jason. He would mainly beat me. And, and when he would beat me he would look into my eyes and tell me I was a spitting image of my mom. Eventually he became drunk every single day and night until that is all that was left of him. The day my mother died is the day I not only lost one of my parents. But instead I lost both. My mother died three years ago, he has abused me verbally and physically for the past three damn years. Finally we realized we had to leave or he would eventually turn on Tessa and Nikkie too. So we did, we packed up and moved here to start new. Jason opened up the restaurant and got engaged to Emma. Tessa and Nikkie are beginning to realize they no longer have to live in fear. And I, I am trying to pick myself up and put myself back together one shattered piece at a time..."

Aiden hugs me tightly and I feel ragged and exhausted after explaining everything. I slowly drift into sleep but I feel safe and content in Aiden's arms.

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