Chapter Four

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Sky's P.O.V👅

    Aiden parks his car as I look up at the house, the lights are off so that means Emma and Jason took the girls to a movie. I get out as me and Aiden walk up to the house.

"Thank you for taking me for the day." I say to Aiden.
He smiles, "No problem, it was fun. We should do it another day?"

I smile, "I'll see what I can do with my busy schedule." I say while laughing.
Aiden laughs, "Okay party girl just let me know."

With that Aiden leans up and kisses my forehead. I smile and hug him, he seems surprised at first and then he hugs me back.

I look up and see my curtains in the living room move. Luke and Claire are dead. They're totally spying on me!
We say our goodbyes and  I walk into the house looking for the two home invaders.

"BOO!" Claire and Luke scream.
"JESUS CHRIST" I scream as I throw my hand over my heart.
"You guys could have killed me!!"
Luke laughs, "you're still here dummie." Luke says smugly.

"How did you're date go?!" Claire shrieks. I laugh and shake my head. "It was not a date you guys." Claire rolls her eyes. And mumbles, "Not a date my ass."

I laugh and grab my phone, "So who wants pizza?" The dynamic duo throws their hands up. I walk into the kitchen to get the number and I see a note from Jason.

Hey Sky, me and the girls and Emma have decided to have a Nextflix night. We were going to ask you if you wanted to come and stay the night at Emma's with us but we saw the cutest couple Snapchat and saw that you were on a date so we will see you tomorrow. And girl you've got some explaining to do with the whole guy topic. Anyways order pizza and envite you're friends over. Good night and sweet dreams princess. ~Love Jay

I smile and then blink confusedly, why Snapchat thing?? I run into the living room after ordering pizza since my phone died after the call.

"Claire pull up Snapchat!"
"Why?" Claire asked confused.
"Just do it go to cutest couples."
"Uh okay" she mumbles as she pulls it up. She clicks on it and it shows the video of me and Aiden slow dancing closely to 'Slow dancing in a burning room'.

Claire shreiks, "Oh my gosh this is so cute!!" I laugh at her response and stare at the screen because this is a national snapchat. Luke jumps up suddenly.

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