Chapter 18 - Damon

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July 22nd, 2018

Jack's POV

Knock knock knock.

"What?" I groaned, setting down my phone. My dad opened my bedroom door just a crack, poking his head inside.

"We have a guest coming in an hour. They flew to L.A. to look for colleges, but their hotel made a mistake and ended up booking their room for someone else and they need a place to stay." He smiled politely. I groaned slightly, tossing my head back into my pillow.

"Who is it?" I asked, looking back at him.

"It's a surprise!" He sang. "Clean up your room." He gave a small wave and shut the door. I looked around at the trash and dishes that littered the floor. I began picking things up, and found one of Mark's shirts at the foot of my bed. I smirked, noticing it was the matching shirt we bought when he took me to a concert earlier this month, and he must have grabbed mine after a sleepover. I opened a random drawer and stuffed it inside then continued to clean my room.


"Hi, I'm John McLoughlin, Jack's dad. Nice to meet you!" Jack's dad shook the hand of the teenager that just stepped inside.

"It's nice to meet you, too! I've missed Jack so much." He sighed contentedly.

"His mom told me all about you guys. I knew you guys should get together sometime, so I was very excited to have you stay." Mr. McLoughlin shut the door, smiling brightly at the new person before him. "So you guys spent a week every summer together, huh? Good friends?"

"Jack is like a brother to me. I hope he hasn't changed much since... I last saw him." He ran a hand through his shaggy thin brown hair, brushing it out of the way of his large glasses resting on his freckled nose.

"Well, I can't say he hasn't, but I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you." Jack's dad gave the boy a pat on the shoulder. "Jack!" He called down the hallway.

"Whaaat?" I called faintly from my room. The boy at the door chuckled excitedly.

"Our guest is here!" Dad rolled his eyes. I swung opened the door, walking down the hallway when I stopped dead in my tracks.

"D-Damon?" I whispered. My jaw dropped as I stared in disbelief at my long lost cousin.

"Jack!" He cheered excitedly as he ran up to give me a hug. I hugged him back even tighter, burying my chin in his shoulder. My dad walked away into the kitchen, leaving us to catch up.

"You haven't changed a bit!" I pulled back, eyes sparkling as I looked at him. "Well, granted, you've gotten taller." I giggled.

"You've changed a lot. Appearance wise, you're still Jack." He ruffled my hair. "Green suits you, Mr. Emo." He laughed and flicked my gauges.

"You don't understand me, god." I flipped my hair and sneered, making him laugh. I turned back to him and grinned happily once again, grabbing his hand and pulling him to my bedroom. "We've got so much to catch up on! It's been so long!" I swung open the door and plopped on the bed.

"Well no duh, it's been, what, 6 years?" He flopped back into my pillows.

"We have to do some special stuff together! You have to meet all my friends!" I whipped out my phone and started typing away, blabbering about the years he was absent and what happened.

Okay so my cousin that I haven't seen since I was 12 that I used to visit every summer is in town and we have to do cool shit with him

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