Bad News

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A/N -The picture on the cover of this chapter is Skylar-
-Please don't judge this is my second book ever- P.S I will be making a Supernatural Reference in my story by using the names Dean and Castiel please do not get mad at me or think I am copyrighting. And this is not a fanfic or any spoilers for the show.

I live in a small paper town of Scarlett, Nebraska. My mom is divorced and, she has been divorced for 3 years now. My brother and sister moved out 2 years ago and, they are twins. We have lived in this small house with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, small kitchen and, it has no dining room so we just eat on the couch.
Life has been hard ever since my mom lost her job we are behind on bills and we don't really have that much food in the house either.  My mom is also struggling with finding a new job because, it's such a small town.  My mom lost her job four months ago and we are so close to losing the house. My mom said if she can't find a job that we will have too move to a big city so she can find a job. That means I will have to leave all of my friends and the my two best friends which will be really hard. I can't find a job either so I already told my friends goodbye and we spend every day with like it's our last. I just know we are gonna lose the house we are helpless and drowning in debt and we can't do anything about it. Life is just hard and to top all off I'm falling school. All of my teachers hate my guts and mom always gets on my ass about it.
My grandmother died right after my mom and dad got divorced so that has not been any sort if easy on my mom. My grandfather is has been in the hospital for a long time now so yea life has been so hard on my mom and I have been no help to her. I've only been making her life harder with falling school and not being able to support her at all so I think it will be best when we move. When we move we will be staying with my gay uncles Dean and Castiel but we just call him Cas. I like having gay uncles. I also love hanging out with they just understand all of my problems and drama. I also really sad we have to move because we lived in that house since my brother and sister were just born and we all grew up in that house. So that means when we leave we will be leaving a lot of memories behind and that will be very hard to do. At the same time it be good to start fresh after that has been happening. My mom really needs this new start it will really good for her to get back on her feet.

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