This hell

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I've been in this hell for 1 week now and God it's helped me so much but I can't stand it. It's like I'm a mental patient or something they treat me like a baby and, they use so much caution. I think I am doing so much better and I don't want to kill my self anymore so that's good. I learned to not to care what other people think of me and, to find a dam friend group so we can all stay together.
Anyway all I have been eating is oatmeal and eggs that's it. And it's good food either so that sucks ass. All I have been able to ware is a blue hospital dress. I did meet this really cute boy on the 3rd floor. He is really sweet but he doesn't have that much more time to live he has a type of cancer which is really sad. Also meet this little girl on the same floor as me (2nd floor) and she a brain tumor. So I'm just lucky I don't have cancer or anything like that. I'm happy I'm going home I'm a week but I'm also sad that I will have to leave all the new people I meet. Sometimes all of us sneak out of our rooms and hang out on the stairwell and it really fun. I love having fun with them, we are all dorks in our own ways. We all laugh and have fun and it's really great to have people like them around and to hang out with. Yes these dorks are my friends. My uncles have sent me letters saying that love me and hope I'm am getting better. I hate for taking me here but I am also glade that they did take me here. My mom also sent me a letter that said that this was for the best and that it that all it said and she never sent me a letter again. Well it's dinner time right now and it's eggs and oatmeal again. To be honest I think my mom is going to move out and leave me with my uncles but I think it's better that way because she never even talked to me anyway so it will be like nothing has changed. I think it's sad that my mom never talks to me and that I have a better relationship with my uncles but oh well right. Well anyway my friends at this place are really nice to me and they tell me that things will be okay and that I'm very sweet girl and I should never try to kill myself again. My friends are really supportive of me so that's why I don't want to leave I have got so close to all of them. Oh yea you don't know who they are well there is the cute boy named Grady, there is the little girl named Karla, there is this other boy and he is okay looking his name is Micheal but he is really sweet. Those are my friends. The four of us always hang out and we even eat together. Me and Karla are really close but I am close with the guys too. Me and Karla can have girl talk and that is cool. Grady, Michael and Karla all remind me of my friends back at my old school.
The staff at this hospital are really mean and never talk to me so I guess that they hate me. I didn't even do anything so I don't know why they hate me so much. I just don't want to leave but I also can't wait to get home to my bed and good food.

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