New Places

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Well I just knew it we moved a week later. It's was the worst thing to say goodbye to everyone and everything. We moved in with my uncles Dean and Cas. They live in a pint house and its huge. I started a new school and have no friends so far. My classes are just normal history, math, English, homeroom, reading, and my elective is biology because I just love it so much. My teachers are Blane, Tollman, Carter, Eve, Ivy, and Becky. They are cool. This new is really different and there are a lot of rules like the dress code. There are the friend groups like the sports guys, the nerds, the bad boy, the good boys. And then there are the girls like the fashion girls, the drama girls, the sluts, the good girls, there are the nerds, and then there are the out casts, like me. Every week each group has some new kind on name or trend for there group. There are of course the relationships between almost about half the school so is almost repulsive to walk down the halls and see them kissing and not pleasant kissing either.
Sometimes I just sit on my bed and wonder what kind of friends I would have at that school and what kind of boyfriend I would have at that school. I mean it could be anyone. As I'm thinking my thoughts are rudely interrupted when my walks and says
"Honey stop overwhelming your self and come eat dinner"
I say
"Whatever mom just get out, I'll be down in a sec"
And bam just like that all of my thoughts are gone, so I just go to couch and eat with my mom and Dean and Cas and as we are eating we are talking.
Dean says " So how are you adjusting to your new school?"
I look at him with help me look and his face replies with a will talk later face and he nods. But just for the sake of my mom I say.
"Oh me, well I'm doing just fine and I am making new friends too!"
My mom smiles and says
"Oh, well that's just great honey."
And for the rest of dinner it is silent. No other word was spoken.
Later that night while I'm in my room someone knocked on my door so I just it's open and when this person it just happened to be the people I want to talk to Dean and Cas.
Dean says "So what was that face all about at the dinner table early?"
I clear my throat and say
Well school has not been the easiest, I don't have friends and I don't think any of the boys like me." I say with a sad look. Then I start again and say.
"I'm just the outcast." I give them the puppy dog eyes, but they don't really work on uncles. Cas looks at me and seems sad and he says
"Well sweetheart going to a new school is never easy and, it's not easy any sort making new friends. But trust me sweetheart it will get better it will I promise". Dean and Cas pull me into a warm hug and I feel safe and I now I know that things will change soon. We stay there for awhile tell finally I say thank you and say that I better get some sleep. So they leave my room and I shut of the light and just stare up at ceiling. As I stare at the ceiling I wonder when it will get and slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

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