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Cameron's POV
"So, Lina" Jc said. "What's up with her?" I asked. "Is she another you know one night stand? Or..?" Jc asked. "Look she isn't a one night stand. Ok" I said. "Ok ok" Jc said puting his hands in the air surrendering "But does she know about, you know..the?" He asked. "Not really" I said. "You gonna tell her?" He asked "I mean she's gonna find out one way or another" I said. "And how do you think she's gonna react?" He asked. "I-" I was interrupted by my phone. "Speaking of the devil" I mumbled laughing.
"Hey" I answered the phone. "Hey" Lina said. "What's up?" I asked. "Not much I'm-I-I" she chocked out. She sounded like she was crying. "Are you ok?" I asked worried as I pushed my body off the counter. She sniffled. "No" she said crying even more. "I'm coming" I said. I hung up, and ran out the door. I ran into her house and ran upstairs to her room. "Lina" I said. "Here" she cried. I ran into her bathroom and she was sitting down her back against the wall. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting down next to her.
"My brother" she said crying. "What's wrong with your brother?" I asked. "He, he's in a gang and he's been in the gang for GOD knows how long. And I've been living with him since my mom left and he's been taking care of me and I never even knew but everyone else did and" she stopped and started crying even more. I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. After a couple of minutes she finally calmed down. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you" she said wiping away tears. "Are you kidding me? I'm glad you called me" I said. "Thanks" "no problem" I smiled.
"So tell me more about this gang and your brother" I said. "Well they basically sell drugs and guns and kill people when they don't pay" she said. "And you're against gangs?" I asked. "Im not upset because he's in a gang. I'm upset that he actually kills people, that's what just destroys me" she said. I nodded. "Well I'm not gonna let you spend today alone. So get up were going go-karting" I said getting up and helping her up. She smiled. I smiled back and kissed her nose.
"Now go get ready and hurry up" I said. "Ok, but if I come out looking like a mess it's your fault" she said. "You always look beautiful, so I'm not gonna have to take the blame for anything" I said. "We'll see about that" she smiled.
"See you had a good time and you look beautiful, going out was worth it" I said to Lina as we held hands and walked out or the building. "Whatever" she laughed.
   "Thanks for taking me" I thanked Cameron. "Thank you for coming with me" he said with a smile. When we got to my house we decided to watch some tv and then I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. And then.. "How am I gonna tell you the truth?" I heard Cameron whisper. I wish he would tell me what's up already instead of avoiding this subject. I feel like he's never gonna tell me the truth. Oh god.

    After sleeping for a couple of hours me and Cameron finally woke up and we decided that we should go do something before the day was over. "Where should we go?" I asked. "We can go to the mall or a restaurant" Cameron said as he played with my hair. "Food sounds great let's go" I said laughing a bit. Cameron smiled at me "let's go then" he said after a while of silence. We got in the car and he drove us there. As we pulled over I saw as people started walking out of the restaurant by groups. I saw how scared people were but I didn't know if it was because of me or someone else.
Hopefully it wasn't because of me. We got out of the car and walked inside the place. "Hi, h-how may I he-help you" the Waitress smiled. "Can we have a table for 2 please" Cameron said. "Right this way" she said grabbing menus and almost falling when she turned around. "Someone will be right out with you in just a moment" she said. "Thank you" I said, "you are welcome" she whispered barely loud enough for me to hear. Once she left I finally spoke. "What's up with her?" I asked as I kept looking at the menu.
"I don't know" Cameron said. I feel like he does know. I feel like he has something to do with this. I nodded my head and pretended like I wasn't thinking about it anymore.
"Thanks for taking me out to eat" I said to Cameron as we sat on my couch. "No problem" he said. "What's wrong?" I asked, he looked like something was bugging him. Maybe it was time for the secret to come out. "Look um, I want to tell you this before we keep moving" Cameron said. He sat in front of me on the coffee table as he held my hands. "I'm sorry but, you remember how you said that your brother was in a gang?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. "Well please promise me that you won't be mad or scared or leave me please" he begged. I saw tears in his eyes and I could tell he was trying to hide them.
"Cameron say what you have to say" I said. "I'm in a gang too. And we control this side of town" he said. He wasn't even looking at me. He was looking at the floor, like he was ready for me to come and push him completely away. But I couldn't. "I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner. But it's not something I could just tell you out of the blue you know? I didn't want you to run" He said. I stayed quiet as we held hands and I just sat quietly thinking. "Do you know who my brother is?" I asked. He nodded his head no. "My brother is Kian Jacobs" I said. "Oh god" Cameron said.

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