Chapter Eight- Fresh Fruit

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Rey was still in her outfit from dinner as she began to prepare his bath. She hadn't had time to change and really needed to get his stuff ready .

She poured the warm waged in the bath . The door opened and she saw him . She was on her knees checking the water .

"Come over here" he said . She nodded and stopped the water .

"Look at me slave" he said . She turned her head to him . "You look ... You look -"

"Say it " Rey said and immediately regretted her words .

"You look ... You look ... Take my cape off of me and hang it ... Then wait for me to finish in here and I'll come get you " he said .

Rey nodded then he grabbed her wrist "is it hot enough ?" He asked .

She nodded the he put her hand in the water that was warm. She didn't flinch , she didn't pull away instead she smiled .

Rey decided she was going to get stuff out of him . She wanted trinkets and gifts ... Good food and clothing ... She would take him with her back to the light side .

Even though this water burned her she didn't do anything about it. Instead she put the other hand in the warm water .

"I like the warm water " she said looking at him .

"You do ?" He asked .

She nodded quickly. He then let go of her wrist yet she kept her hands in the warm water . He picked her up by the waist and put her feet in the water , it went up to knees .

"Does it burn ?" He asked .

"No " she smiled . He picked her back up and pushed her out of the bathroom .

"Go prepare my bed " he said .

"Of course master Kylo " she said and closed the door as she walked out.
Rey made the bedroom all good .

He came out fully clothed . "Come here slave " he said .

She walked to him ." Yes master ?" She said .

"I want you to go to kitchen right there " he pointed "and pick up that pomegranate and come back to me" he said .

She nodded and walked over to fruit basket and grabbed it . She walked over to him .

"Follow me " he said . She did so and he sat on a large recliner. It was black leather .

She stood there as he sat down and grabbed the pomegranate. He split it open with his hands and handed her both of the halves .

"Put one half on the table " he said . She nodded and did just so .

"Come stand in front of me " he said . She stood in front of him , thinking he wanted her to feed him. "Eat the pomegranate" he said .

She looked suspiciously at him . "Now" he said . She nodded and began to eat the seeds of the fruit .

She went to dry her neck from the juice "don't" he said .

She nodded and began to eat more, he watched as the juice flowers from her mouth to her chest .

She finished it after a handful of minutes . "Come here " he said .

Rey walked over to him . "Grab the other half and come back to me" he said .

Rey nodded and grabbed the half she had out on the table . "Feed me the fruit" he said .

She nodded and then began to feed him the fruit , standing in front of him . "Wait "

"Yes Master?"

He shifted in his seat and raised an eyebrow "sit on my lap and feed me the seeds one by one"

Rey did just so , sitting with her legs to one side and her body to the others . She began to feed him the seeds .

"Slower Rey" he said .

She nodded and fed him them slower . He sucked on her fingers with the taste of pomegranate juice on them .

He sucked harder on her index finger. He let her finger go and she went to grab another seed .

"Stop Rey ... " he said and she did just so . He grabbed the fruit and then went to give her a seed .

She opened her mouth slightly and he popped the seed in her mouth . She then sucked hard on his index finger . She released his finger .

She was close to his face , she had blood red lip stick on her lips and he had s smirk on his . She leaned closer to him . "Leave " he said .

"What ?" She asked looking at him pulling far away .

He pushed her off his lap . "Leave and go sleep ... Same time as this morning .. Go !" He yelled .

She nodded and walked out of his room .

I really don't know what happened in there hut I think it's good ... SEXUAL TENSION!!!! 🍎 THATS THE CLOEST I COULD FIND TO A POMEGRANATE!!!

If you have any requests or suggestions for Rey & Kylo Ren IN THIS BOOK please feel free to direct message me or comment down below ... If you have any tips on how to write smut PLEASE TELL ME !
Yes I'm saying this for the whole internet to know ; I'm not a flower with all her petals ... But it stills kinda difficult for me to write this, not because I'm embarrassed but because I don't I what to say !! Anyway please help !

 But it stills kinda difficult for me to write this, not because I'm embarrassed but because I don't I what to say !! Anyway please help !-Joey

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