3 | Promises

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I'm What You're Missing: 3 | Promises
| Ross Lynch |

"Ross!" Raini shouts, squeezing me tightly. The smile on my face was unreal. I squeeze Raini back just as tight, hoping she'd let go soon because I may not be living soon if I don't get air in my lungs. "Calum's in the kitchen waiting for you. Laura hasn't arrived." She pulls away and drags me down a hallway that I'm guessing leads to a kitchen.

"Nice place, Raini." I comment. Raini grins at me. But I didn't hear her response neck as with was already rushing over towards Calum who had his arms wide open with a cheeky smile.

"Buddy!" We both shout, hugging each other tight.

"Aw, I'll post this later tonight." I hear Raini comment.

"Oh my god, how's the family?" I ask, pulling away. "Clementine is such a little cutie." I add. He smiles.

"She's great. The wife's great. Clementine is actually starting preschool in September and, to be honest, I'm completely terrified." Chuckling, I grip his shoulder.

"She's gotta grow up, man. She's gonna be just like her mom, though." I add. Clementine definitely got Celesta's looks. The black hair, her eyes, but she has Calum's nose. I haven't met Clementine yet, but the pictures he posts are so effing cute.

"Laura!" I hear Raini shout. Shit. Calum smirks at me, which I just look down at the counter and fumble with my fingers.

"Oh my goodness gracious I've missed you so much!" Oh my goodness gracious her fucking voice! I didn't think I could miss someone's voice so much. The pounding in my ears seamed to make me go deaf because I couldn't hear their footsteps, I just let Calum run up to Laura and hug her. What shocked me the most was our few second eye contact. Her gorgeous dark brown chocolate eyes stared into mine, making my stomach feel queazy. Fucking hell, I'm falling already.

"Shes great. Hopefully you guys could meet her soon. She's been dying to meet the Laura Marano." Her laugh is so fucking cute still. I didn't even care that Calum was talking about his daughter or that he just shoved her towards me.

"Hi." She says quietly. For a second, I had to remind myself that this wasn't a dream, and that Laura was actually standing in front of me for the first time in six-ish years. Quickly, I put a smile on my face.

"Hey." I reply, just as quiet. For another second, we just stare at each other awkwardly before I playfully roll my eyes and open up my arms for a hug, she rolls her eyes back, but gives in and raps her arms around my torso and I wrap mine around her upper back, letting out a deep breath, close my eyes, and rest my cheek on the top of her head.

"I wasn't even going to attempt to reach around your neck. I'm in sandals and probably wouldn't have even touched the grounded I hugged you properly. So this will have to do. I mean, I'd love to hug you around your neck but I don't feel like being lifted off the ground just yet." She's nervous.

"Don't be nervous, Laura." She pulls away and stares at me in aw. "You think I'd forget that you like to ramble, or just talk for the hell of it when you're nervous?" Her cheeks turn a bit pink before she looks down. I just realized what she was wearing. Jean shorts, a tank top, some jewelry, and her hair up. Yup. Gorgeous.


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