15 | First Date

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I'm What You're Missing: 15 | First Date
| Ross Lynch |

I swear, I've wiped my hand on my jeans fifty million times already. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life. I'm so nervous that I came fifteen minutes early and I'm parked a block away from Vanessa's house just so I won't seam too desperate. Oh fuck, Ryland's calling.

"What's up?" I say into my phone.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to play some night hockey but apparently someone rented it out tonight." He seamed a little upset. "You up for an hour or two of football on the beach instead?" He asks.

"Uh, I'm actually not even at home. Andre and Phillip need me to re-record some things." I lie, feeling a little guilty. I don't think I've ever lied to my family before.

"Oh, never mind then. I'll call you tomorrow morning." With that said, Ryland hangs up. Sighing, I start my car and drive down to Vanessa's house. Wiping my hands again, I grab the single rose and step out of the car and make my way to the front steps. I hold my breath as I knock four times. I can hear little kids screaming and footsteps approaching. The second Laura's face appears is the second my heart skips a beat.

"Hey." She says, giving me a smile.

"Hi." I whisper back, holding out the rose. "Uh, th-this is for you. I figured since I bought you flowers not too long ago they'd still be good so... I just bought one." I ramble, trying my hardest not to get too nervous. I mean, the Laura Marie Marano is standing in front of me, about to go on a date with me. Who wouldn't be nervous?

"Aw, thanks." She takes and begins to turn around, only to slightly jump when a man was there, a little boy in his arms and a little girl at his feet. "Jesus, Kris." She breathes, holding her hand to her chest.

"So, you're Ross Lynch." Kris says, stepping forward. "I kinda thought you were always such a douche." I frown and furrow my eyebrows. "Valerie, Cameron, don't ever repeat that sentence." He adds, looking at his kids.

"Um, can you go put this in the kitchen, please?" Laura asks. Kris nods and takes the rose, but not before setting things straight.

"Look, I'm apart of her family now, so if you do anything bad, then I will hurt you. And Vanessa told me to also add that she'll hunt you down and end you. Understood?" I couldn't even talk. I'm 26, and this guy is treating me like I'm seven. The fuck?

"Okay, we can go now." Laura mumbles under her breath and shuts the front door. Now this is the first time I can actually check her out. Light jeans, a cute grey long-sleeved shirt, and cute converse.

"Hey, you look beautiful." I say quietly, walking along beside her. In all honesty, I feel like I didn't even try for this date. I'm wearing blue ripped jeans and a grey crew neck with the letter R in darker grey on it. Not to mention, I had a random black shirt on underneath.

"Thanks." She smiles. I quickly open the car door for her, earning another smile and a small thanks from her. I quickly walk to my side of the car and take a deep breath before getting in. "So, what are we doing exactly?" She asks, the second I pull onto the road.

"Well, I thought we'd go ice skating." I say, a small smirk on my face. A small groan escapes her mouth and I chuckle.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you. You just wanted an excuse to hold me all night." Wow, she catches on fast.

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