11 | Nice Guy

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I'm What You're Missing: 11 | Nice Guy
| Ross Lynch |

Sighing, I sip on my glass of water and watch as Jackson kisses Noah's head, smiling down at him like he's the best baby ever alive. I know him and Noah will be best of friends growing up, cousins or not, they'd find each other. Kinda like how we found Ellington. Kinda makes everything feel like a what could've been if we never met Ellington.

"Hey, Ross." My mom says, sitting beside me on the couch. "How you holding up?" She asks. Every Saturday or Sunday, we all go to my parents house and have a family dinner, wife's/fiancées/kids are encouraged, and we all just have a good time as a family. But this particular one has been my least favorite of all. It's been revolving around my feelings towards a certain subject.

Laura's date was a few days ago, meaning we haven't seen each other two days, which I need to finish up the song before I leave for that music festival on Thursday. That's in four days, and we still have to rehearse it, and then we have to get studio time where both of us would be free, and then record it and what not. In between that, I have to record some R5's songs. Life is hell right now and the additional weight of Laura and her perfect boy isn't helping me right now.

"Eh, it sucks, but I'm doing alright." I reply, looking at my mom.

"I told you you should've told her on the fourth, Ross. You've missed your chance." She says, patting my thigh, I roll my eyes and shove her hand off.

"I know, mother. But I also wasn't expecting her to land a date three days later." I mutter, sipping on more water. "It's whatever. I'm fine. I'll get over it." With that said, I stand up and walk the kitchen to set my glass in the sink. "Dad, I'm gonna take off." I say, grabbing my motorcycle keys and helmet.

"Why? Something wrong?" He asks.

"No, I'm just extra tired. Laura and I FaceTimed last night and finished the song, but we still need some finishing touches, so I'm exhausted." Okay, that was a huge lie. Laura and I have not finished the song, and we did not FaceTime last night. We had a brief texting period that consisted of like three word replies from me and paragraphs from her regarding the song. I'm starting to think after this song is over we really won't talk anymore.

"Okay, drive safe, Ross. Love you." He says, patting my back.

"Love you, too." I whisper, loud enough for him to hear me. I walk outside and get on my bike, only to drive towards Menchies, because frozen yogurt sounds good right about now. But boy, did I regret my decision the second I took a step inside. There sat Laura with her so called perfect date, eating frozen yogurt and laughing.

"Ross!" Laura says, the second I walk past their table to go get a bowl. I put on a fake smile and turn around, looking between the two.

"Hey, Laura. And you must be... Kyler?" I ask, holding my hand out. He smiles and nods, shaking my hand.

"It's so nice to meet you, Ross. My sister loves your music." He says, smiling and looking at Laura.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but why are you two eating frozen yogurt at seven o'clock on a Sunday night when it's not even dark outside?" I ask, still with the fake smile.

"Oh, Kyler's got an early class and we got bored hanging at the beach all day. What about you, Lynch? Shouldn't you be at your parents' house eating dinner with the rest of your family?" She asks. "Which, by the way, I'd like to come to one and see everyone again." She adds, with a smile.

"Um, were leaving next weekend to play at that festival, but possibly the weekend after that you could come." I say, messing with my hair. "And I needed some fresh air." I add, pointing to outside. "Sorry to interrupt your guys' date." I say, getting to walk away.

"Wait, Ross?" I turn around and look at Kyler. "Can I FaceTime my sister and let you say hi real quick?" He asks. Fuck, he's a nice guy. Makes it that much harder to hate him.

"Yeah, of course! I'd love to say hi to her." And that's how a quick Menchies trip turned into a ten minute FaceTime talk, a fifteen minute more talk with Laura and Kyler, and then an extra fifteen minutes for myself when they left me to eat my frozen yogurt alone.

Also, that's how Ryland ended up at my house at 11 o'clock to listen to me rant about how nice Kyler is.

"Ryland, he's nice. He values his family, he threw away her trash, held the door open for her, held her hand as they walked to the car, laughed at her jokes, opened the car door for her and shut it for her, even laughed at some of the stuff I said. He's all around a nice guy." Ryland shifts around in my bed, going back to staring up at the ceiling like I've been for the past ten minutes. Yes, when it's just Ryland and I, we share my bed. But if Taylor's here, they crash on the couch.

"I don't know what to tell you, Ross." He says. "It seams like she really likes this guy. Maybe give it a few weeks. Maybe he'll fuck up and do something wrong and she'll dump his sorry ass." He chuckles at his own sentence. Idiot. "Or, maybe if you tell her how you feel now, she'll realize she actually loves you and dump his sorry ass. Either way, she'll dump one of you." I slap his arm. "Ow!" He whines. I don't apologize, I just turn my lamp off and let total darkness take control of my body, well, until I reach for my phone.

"I'm seeing if she tweeted at all." I say, opening up Twitter. "Fuck, she has." Ryland scoots his head towards mine, reading the tweet out loud.

"Being happy is... happy. It's like everything has come together in your life and you couldn't be happier." He says, fake gagging at the end. "If it were you she's talking about, I would retweet it on my own Twitter, but it ain't you, brotha." Ryland says.

"No shit, Sherlock." I mutter. I tap the tweet button and begin to type.

@rossR5: I'm either happy or sad. There's no in between.

@rossR5: .@kylie_lynch96 yes, sadness is a killer. That's why I wish I were happy right now.

"Fans couldn't put two and two together, right?" I ask Ryland. He shrugs.

"I don't know, I doubt they'll get its about Laura dating, but you two just tweeted about happiness and shit. Well, yours is focused on sadness. Oh, whatever. Fans are smart they'll come up with a million different scenarios." I nod and sigh, plug in my phone, and then close my eyes. "Night, Ross."

"Night , Ry."

"Love you."

"Love you, too." I whisper. I love you, Laura.

• short ass chapter and i do not even feel sorry for it. only because next chapter will be a great one 😜😋😉 for some reason, i've been obsessed with emojis again. like, i didn't really care for them but this is bringing me back into liking them again 😂 anyways, please vote, leave a sweet sweet comment, and follow me. love you, babes💜

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