7 | A Backup

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I'm What You're Missing: 7 | A Backup
| Ross Lynch |

I'm What You're Missing: 7 | A Backup| Ross Lynch |

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"Hey, Laura's coming over really soon." I warn the two of them. "Oh, Taylor, please don't flip the fuck out when she gets here. She's just a normal person like you are." I add, teasing her a bit. But clearly, that was a bad idea.

"Wait, Laura Marano?" She asks. "Singer songwriter, your ex co-star, Laura Marano?" She adds, with wide eyes and all. Nodding my head for clarification, she leans back onto Ryland. "Holy shit, no promises, Ross. She's a mega legend in my book." She mumbles, staring at the ceiling. She is in mine too.

"How long has it been since you've seen her face to face?" Ry asks.

"Um, five days ago, when her and Raini and Calum came by for that live stream." Taylor squeals a little bit. "Oh my god, did you watch that?" I ask.

"Uh, she forced the me to watch it with her." Ryland mutters. "Have you two been talking everyday?" He asks. Damn, Ryland, so many fucking questions. Instead of talking, I nod my head for my answer.

"Do you think she'd be weirded out if I mention my Raura fan accounts?" Taylor asks, out of the blue. Taylor's only 23, meaning she was just 11 or 12 when Austin and Ally began, which makes her a total fangirl of the show. We didn't figure this out until Ryland was dating her for about a month. Apparently, she shipped Laura and I so hard she made a fan account, and yes, she showed us it. Ever since she was 11, she's been a huge Laura Marano fan.

"Please don't. You can mention you're a huge fan, but don't get all creepy. Remember, she's not use to Crazy Tay." How do you think she earned that nickname? Just then, there was three knocks at my front door and we all looked, only to see Laura's back turned to us. I quickly glance at Taylor, who was about to burst at any given moment.

"Hey." Laura says, smiling at us. She was wearing a black baseball hat, a cropped t-shirt and leggings. God she's stunning in anything.

"I can't take it anymore. SORRY, ROSS!" Taylor sprints off the couch and runs to the door where Laura's barely made it inside, and tackled her in a huge hug. "Oh my god, I'm such a huge fan, Laura Marano. You don't even know! You're so talented and amazing and gahhh!" Laura's eyes were wide as she looked at Ryland and I.

"Ryland, she's your girlfriend." I mumble, getting off the couch. Ryland sighs and stands up with me. We both head over to Taylor, but I watch as Ryland gets Taylor off of Laura. "Sorry, she's a big fan." I say, giving Laura my own hug. Once she pulls away, she gives a hug to Ryland. And a very long and tight hug may I add. Nope, I'm not jealous... not at all.

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