19 | One Week

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I'm What You're Missing: 19 | One Week
| Ross Lynch |

"How was Rydel's birthday?" Calum asks. Currently, I'm at Calum's waiting for Laura and Raini to avarice. We all decided we wanted to Han gout, just he four of us, and Raini also mentions she had something for us. Rydel's birthday was four days ago, Laura did indeed come, and she's my girlfriend. I asked her on Saturday night after everyone left, and then we may have had a round two of... yeah.

"Awesome. Everybody had fun and Taylor flew in from Texas to not only surprise Rydel but majorly surprise Ryland. I'm sure Laura has a video of it on her phone." I say, shrugging my shoulders. I haven't really told anyone Laura and I are together yet, besides my close family and Laura's close family.

"How's the single?" He asks. "Clementine downloaded it already and has it going around the house." Laughing, I run my fingers through my hair.

"Awesome. We're already number one on pop-charts and Laura's manager booked us for Ellen on Tuesday and The Late Late Show with James Corden Wednesday night." I say. Just then, Raini walks in with a smile. "Where's Laura?" I ask her.

"She's on the front porch. Her dad called her about something." Nodding, I stand up.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick and get a glass of water." I say, walking away. Sike, I'm going to go kiss Laura. I make it to the front door and sneak out, seeing Laura sitting down on the steps.

"No, dad, I'm sure he's busy... yes, even if I'm there." She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. So, I quietly sit down beside her and wrap an arm around her back, almost scaring her to death. "Yes, I'll ask." She mumbles. "Bye, love you." She hangs up the phone and leans into me, putting her hand on my thigh.

"What did your dad want?" I ask quietly, rubbing circles on her back.

"He wants to know if you'd be up for a barbecue thingy with my parents and sisters family." She rambles. "It's okay if you can't make it." She quickly adds, looking up at my face.

"That sounds like fun." I reply, a smirk on my face. She groans and falls face first into my lap. "Come on, I haven't seen your parents in so long, Laur. It'll be nice." I say, patting her back. "Now come on, Raini and Calum don't know I'm with you." I say, standing up. I help Laura up too, and now she's a step above me so we're close to the same height- not really.

"Oh, and I didn't tell Raini on the car ride here." She says. I shrug my shoulder.

"Hey." I say, grabbing her wrist before she could go up the last step. I cup both sides of her face and whisper, "Happy one week, love." And I kiss her lips softly.

"Alright, lover boy, let's get inside." She says, pushing on my chest. Rolling my eyes, I follow behind her as we walk to the living room. Out of instinct, I place my hand on her ass and squeeze it. "Ross." She warns, stopping and turning around. I smile and still keep my hand on her ass. "Let go." She says quietly.

"You're no fun." I tease, walking right past her. I go back to the living room and sit beside Calum on the couch again. Laura eyes me before sitting on a chair, on the other side of Calum. I give her my pouty lips.

"Okay, so I was going to mail these to you like, a few days ago, but since we're all here together... oh, and I gave Laura hers on the car ride here." I take the envelope from her and open it.

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