Chapter 2

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  "JESUS!" Jack said, rubbing the back of his head.

  "Sorry!" I replied, helping him up. "I was just trying to get as far away from our 'peers' as possible."

  He smiled and chuckled. "It's O.K. I was in school with you today, remember? I can understand why you were running. But,  they didn't even bother you today. What could they have possibly done in fifteen minutes?" I turned around, remembering I had forgotten to pull the dart out. Jack gasped, "Oh, Lela..." His cold hands softly brushed my skin, going lightly under my black tank top, and pulling the dart out. Now I gasped, squeezing my eyes shut against the momentarily blinding pain. But right after it was out, it started to heal.

  Jack slowly turned me towards him, tilting my head up to look into his ocean blue eyes. He gave a small grin. "There's my beautiful Angel." Normally I would never let anyone call me 'Angel', boyfriend or not, but he knew about me. The day my wings appeared, I was nine, and playing in the yard with Jack. While we were climbing a tree, the branch underneath me snapped. Right before I touched the ground, my wings appeared, saving me from a bunch of fractured ribs and a broken arm. Jack had seen, and so had my mom and dad. Yup, they were still alive then. Amy was at ballet practice. Mom and dad brought us inside, where they told me about myself and swore Jack to secrecy. I sighed, remembering that day and about five million others, and wrapped my arms around him. He did the same.

  "So," he said, pulling away. "Want to go see Insidious 2? It just got out."

  I gave him a small smile. "Sorry, but I promised Amy I'd go riding with her before Robert and Rachel come back." Robert and Rachel were my uncle and aunt. My very, very abusive uncle and aunt.

  "Can I come with you?" He asked. I pretended to think about it, then shook my head. "Come on..." He pleaded. Then his eyes lit up. "I know! Let Amy decide."

  I looked into his big blue puppy dog eyes- they were enhanced by his black eyeliner- and sighed. "Fine, but next time I'm only going with her."

  Jack's bright smile seemed to light up the whole Earth. He shrugged. "Fair enough." He took my hand and we walked up the stairs to the top floor of the house. I pulled the brass knob and stepped into the house.

  "Amy!" I called through the house. "I'm home! Are you ready?"

  My little sister skipped into the living room, wearing a hot pink shirt and brand new skinny jeans. She was twelve years old, and still hadn't gotten her wings. Sometimes I wondered how we were related; but once you met her, you gotta love her. And I can't say I don't envy her. Someday she was going to be an amazing angel, and I love her. I would do absolutely anything for my little sis. In fact, just watching her walk into the room made my heart blow up like a balloon.

  "Yup." Amy replied, turning her smile towards Jack. "Are you coming with us?" She asked.

  "If it's O.K. with you..." Jack replied, cocking his head.

  "Of course!" Amy replied cheerfully. O.K.... now I was SURE we were polar opposites.

  Jack looked down at me, a cocky smile planted on his face. I slapped his chest. Then I stepped away from him and looked up, pushing my short hair out of my eye. Yes, I'm a girl with short hair. Don't judge me. "Fine. Go tack up Majesty." Majesty was one of the guest horses, but it didn't matter how much money our aunt and uncle had for even guest horses. Before mom and dad were murdered, I had only one horse I needed. And I've grown up with her.

  "Kk." Jack replied, walking out of the room. Once he was gone and his footsteps disappeared, I turned to Amy.

  "What's your plan?" I asked her.

  Amy gave a mischievous grin, handing me a small squirt gun. "We get him in front of us, and when his back is to us, we shoot him"

  I returned her grin with one of my own and said, "You know what? Maybe we are related." Amy winked and carefully put her water gun in her boot. I did the same. "Want to go see if Jack's ready?"

  Amy smiled. "Let's do it." With that we walked out the door.

Hope you like it! I do think most of the chapters might be pretty short, though. But in their place, I'll make sure there are a lot of chapters. Pls vote!!!

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