Chapter 12

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I sat on the deep brown bed, waiting impatiently for Cy and Michel to return with the results. After three weeks, they would finally decide if I was "stable" enough to go in with the others. I just hope I am. I'll go crazy if I have to stay in here with nothing to do but talk and watch t.v. Sighing, I picked up the remote, sat on my bed, ad turned the channel to Teen Nick. Even though people say time flies when you're watching t.v, it doesn't. Well, not when you're waiting for test results that were done on you like you were a deranged mental patient. But after what seemed short of eternity, I heard the wooden door creak open.

My eyes shot to the door just as I sprung to my feet, anxious to find out what they had said about me. But what surprised me most was when a small, skinny boy with chocolaty brown hair that covered his large eyes came into the room. I stared at him. He seemed somewhat familiar. . . Mentally slapping myself, I remembered that this was the boy who had taken October to the stables. I hadn't been able to ride, or even see October the whole time I had been here. Just another downside of this whole experience.

The boy quickly shut the door behind him, as if afraid I would bolt at any second. The thought made me grin. Truth be told, if it wasn't a possibility he hadn't had my data on a small I Pad that he was clutching to his chest, I probably would have tried. He finally looked up, letting me see his midnight blue eyes. They seemed to stare into my very soul, picking out all of the bad memories from my brain. I restrained myself from shaking my head. Any boy or man that had any of the features Jack had was doing that to me. Another thing I missed desperately was him.

The boy took a step forward, and in turn, I took a step backwards. He gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry." he said in a voice like silk. "I'm not going to hurt you. Don't you want to know your results?"

I hesitated a moment. I had imagined this coming from either Cy or Michel's mouth, or at least another vampire's. Defiantly not from a human. Although, after a few more moments, curiosity got the best of me. I slowly nodded my head.

He smiled even brighter as he looked down at his I Pad. "Lela, you have passed every test from physical to mental, and are almost free to go." Almost? "There is just one more test I have been asked to provide. A test of self control."

Oh jeez.

"O.K, since half of you is vampire, you already know that over time, you will inherit all of a full grown vampires powers, probably at a young age. The one test I have been asked to preform with you is over a vampires most exaggerated and strongest power. Their lust for blood." I so did not need this right now.

He pulled two vials full of thick red liquid out of the backpack I hadn't realized he'd had, and showed them to me. I just cocked my head and raised my eyebrows; my silent way of saying, "Seriously?" I had just eaten, so no matter what type of blood was in either of those vials, I should be fine.

The boy uncapped the first vial and held it up to me. When I inhaled, (Not deeply, just normal breathing,) all I smelt was human blood. It might have bothered me a little if I had not just eaten, but I had. I merely raised my eyebrows, and he smiled at me.

"Not very talkative, are you?" He asked.

Now it was my turn to smile. Actually, usually people couldn't get me to shut up. There was just something about him that was. . . wrong. Somehow. It might have been because he was the only one time didn't stop for, but maybe not. Maybe it was just because he was a boy. It was weird. He chuckled, putting the cap back on the tube and putting it back in his backpack.

"Guess not." He placed one hand on the top of the vile, but he stopped, as if wondering if it was worth it to go on. Huh. After a moment, he shut his eyes tight and quickly pulled off the top.

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