Stolen First Kiss

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When I first met Simon he was just some beautiful, blundering idiot. He had no manners and was the clumsiest person I had ever met. I thought it would be easy to hate him because that would make it easier for me to kill him.

But, of course, the universe hates me.

I never understood why I was drawn to him during our first year. I had lied to myself and masked that emotion to look like hate. During our break at the end of that year, I spent the time thinking about why I hated him. Of course, I came up with perfectly logical reasons of why I should hate him. But during that time I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me queasy and when I got back to Watford it was gone.

That was...I missed Simon.

That's when I knew I liked Simon. That's when I knew that I would never be able to kill him. That's when I knew that I would probably end up letting him kill me. But if I have to die, at least it will be by fire, I will go out warm. I just have to continue my act until my time is up. That's my job, and part in the Chosen One's life.

But right have no idea how hard it is.

He's asleep and the moon is shining through the open window(which has to be open every single night, even during the winter) on him. He looks like he's glowing, even more so than he usually does. His hair is golden and his messy curls move across his forehead every single time the breeze passes through the window. His skin is golden and I can barely see the moles that are splattered across it from the way he's curled up.

"You're a mess," I hear myself whisper, barely audible. I flinch at the sound of my voice, but I doubt he heard me.

The he moves. His sheets twist around him and he rolls onto his back.

I stiffen, but I can see that his eyes are still closed. Then my gaze drifts down. His lips, they're pink and slightly parted. I wonder wonder what they would feel like. Would they be soft? Would they be chapped?

What the hell am I thinking? Shut up! This is not the proper time to be thinking about this! But it's not like there ever will be a proper time...

Everything about him makes me want to kiss him. I feel myself move. Suddenly, I'm on the edge of my bed. What am I doing? Go back to sleep! But I can't, I have to do this. I need to do this. Just once.

Just once, before I let him kill me, I need to know what it's like. I need to know what it's like to kiss the actual sun.

My feet make a soft padding noise that's only audible to my ears. I cross the extremely short distance between us and suddenly I'm standing over him.

His head tilts toward me for a second and I freeze...but he's still asleep.

The wind blows again and ruffles his hair. I lean down. I won't bite him. I know I won't. I won't hurt him. I can't.

My lips touch his and he's soft. Warm. It was like one of those kisses you see in movies, where one person is sort of kissing their upper lip and the other person is kissing their bottom lip. I move my lips against his for a moment and then I pull back.

I gaze at his face for a second, trying to comprehend what I just did. Then he begins to stir....

Before he moves another muscle I'm back in my bed and under the duvet. I lay on my side and look at him because I know he can't see through the darkness like I can.

He sits up and the sheets pool around his waist. His hands reach up and rub his eyes before they flutter open. He glances around the room for a moment and his eyes search for me through the dark. Then he shakes his head giving up.

Then I realize what I've just done. I just kissed Simon Fucking Snow. Had he even kissed anyone before that? My hand reaches up and touches my lips.

Simon's hand reaches up and his fingertips gingerly touch his lips.

What have I done?


Did Baz just...kiss me?

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