Lockers Aren't Comfortable

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"Simon? Simon!"

"Huh," I answer. I stare down at the table and try not to listen to the voice inside me. It keeps telling me to look up, but I don't want to because I know that Baz is just across the room and if he-

"SIMON," Penny shouts and half the dining hall looks our way.

"Shit," I mumble under my breath.

"What's wrong with you," she asks utterly confused.

"Wh-what do you mean," I stutter and begin to chew on my nails.

"You know what I mean," she says glaring. "You haven't said a word to me this morning, you're chewing on your nails, which is disgusting by the way," I put my hands in my lap. "And you haven't touched the scones. So tell me," she crosses her arms and gives me a stern look. "I. Want. Answers. Now."

" see...what happened..."

"Yes," she urges.

I look up at her and freeze. I can see Baz from behind her and he's staring at me. No. Glaring at me through strands of hair that he hasn't bothered to comb back (I like his hair best that way) and are framing his face. And it's not even his usual glare. It's murderous.

His hand is clenched around a scone and when I open my mouth to respond to Penny it crumbles in his hand.

I let out a tiny squeak.

"I gotta go," is all I manage to get out before I'm out of my seat. I only register the "What the hell," from Penny and all the staring eyes before I'm running through the halls. I stop at the end of a hallway and peak my head around the edge to see if anybody's coming. As I'm about to turn, somebody grabs my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going, Snow?"

I gulp and turn around. "Oh...uh, hey," I say scratching the back of my head sheepishly. "I was just, er..." I trail off.

He starts pushing his finger into my chest accusingly and I have to fight the urge to grab grab his hand and hold it there. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Umm, trying to get to class?"

"You can't just do that to someone and walk away," he says ignoring my answer. "Who even does that?"

I stare at him shocked. " do..."

"Oh, shut up," he breathes and my back hits the lockers. Which really hurts because there's a lock digging into the bottom of my back. "You overpaid," he says placing his hands against the lockers on either side of my head.

"What," I ask baffled.

"You said that the price was paid, but that was definitely too much," he says with a familiar look in his eye. It's the same look he has when he's plotting. "I've come to give you your change."

Then his lips are against mine and my hands move up to his hair. He's cold, which feels good against my warm skin and he tastes like scones. His hands move to my hips and he pulls me against him. Just as I move to deepen the kiss, I hear footsteps.

"Baz," someone yells. We pull apart just before he rounds the corner. Fucking Niall. Running in and ruining the moment. My face sets into a scowl. His eyebrows are pulled together in confusion.

"What-" he begins, pointing an accusing finger at us, but Baz walks over to him, silencing him. He says something to him in a hurried rush tone and then lets out a low growl.

"Well," he says. "There you go. I paid you back."

He scowls and turns on his heel, walking away with Niall following like the loyal pet he is. I scowl at his retreating form. Then I begin to walk away in the opposite direction when I feel a pain in my back. I rush into the restroom only to find a mark on my lower back. Let's just say lockers aren't comfortable. I frown and walk back into the now busy hallway. I search until I find him across the hall already glaring at me. I scowl back.

This has just turned into a war.

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