Chapter 6

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Scully awoke in an environment that was completely new to her. She was lying on what seemed to be an operating table in a room that lacked in any other furniture. All she could see was the table she lay on, a chair and surprisingly a camera in the corner of the room. She was being observed, but by whom?

Scully searched her brain for scrambled memories that may give her an idea in how she got here. The last thing she could remember was she was in a field with Mulder on her lap when a light engulfed them both. "OH MY GOD MULDER!!" She thought. Where the hell could he be? As if someone had listened to her thoughts, she heard a cry from somewhere in the building, "Scully! Scully where are you?! I'll find you Scully!!"

He was alive! She couldn't wait to see him any longer so she tried to get up, only she experienced a sharp pain spike through her stomach and she shrieked. When she looked down to try and see what had been done to her, she gave a second cry, this time of terror. What happened to her flat stomach?! Instead, her stomach bulged outwards as if she was a pregnant woman nearing labour.
But that's impossible! She knew there was no way she could be pregnant, especially not as pregnant as she is but she is so there was no use in denying that.

But the next thought that came to her mind scared her; who is the man involved in the pregnancy? And what would the FBI do with a pregnant woman? There was no way she could carry on with her job while being this heavily pregnant and she couldn't help but think of how damaging this may be to her career. She'd end up being one of those women who stayed at home with no husband and a baby to look after 24/7 and that was more scary than anything at the moment.

She quickly snapped out of her thoughts when she heard shrieks from somewhere in the building. She recognised the cries and felt tears begin to prick her eyes. She had to find Mulder and get out of there before it was too late. She knew she was being filmed but that didn't stop her from trying. She had to try, for Mulder she'd try anything!

However the camera in the room made her hesitiate. What if she get's caught? She was half expecting a group of men in black to trap her in her room at the first signs of her escape so she decided to tread carefully to avoid capture. That's when she had another terrifying thought; What if she wasn't the only one to experience this? It was highly probable that she isn't the only one and that's what made her think back to the field. She knew her feeling of being observed wasn't irrational. Maybe that's where the forensic team went! They probably wait for two people of the opposite sex to enter the field and take them to perform experiments. So if her assumption were true, she knew that she had to find Mulder and get out of there!

As she placed her feet on the ground, she held her breath. But no one came. The room was quite cold and a shiver descended down her spine as she was only in a hospital gown with her back exposed. The eerie silrnce of the room made sure Scully wanted to leave as soon as possible. The thought of having nothing to protect her scared her a little as she felt powerless and vunerable.

She slowly walked out of the room and crept along the empty corridor, coming across another room with someone inside. The door creaked open as Scully stepped inside to investigate her surroundings. The room looked identical to hers with another woman lying on an operating table. Next to her, a file had been left and Scully decided to take this opportunity to find out a bit more on why she was here.

The file contained personal information on the woman and of another man that Scully guessed was somewhere else in the building. It mentioned age, gender, nationality, skin colour, relationship status and vaccination dates. At the bottom of the file in red marker were written the words "Not Fertilised" which probably meant she would eventually end up in the same situation as Scully. She walked back into the corridor and went into more rooms, with all the same results apart from the fact that these women had all been "fertilised".

The corridor seemed to go on forever and it was completely empty which just left Scully with her thoughts. How long had these people been following her and Mulder? They would have had to be following them for at least the last 6 months to know that they're close and find all of their medical records and other details. For some reason, she felt that she was the one who was being targeted and Mulder was only taken to carry out the plan with her. Maybe this was all a big government conspiracy that no one was supposed to know? But now Scully knows and when she gets out, she would tell it to everyone to make sure this sick procedure gets shut down for good.

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