Chapter 7

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She continued to walk down the seemingly endless corridor and she placed her hand over her stomach as a protective gesture. She wasn't used to being this large which made it difficult for her to do everyday things such as walking whereas before she had no problem.

She came across yet another door and looked through the glass. This room contained what seemed like thousands of men. How on earth would she find Mulder in a place this big?! To try and shorten her search, she called out into the room, "Mulder! It's me, Dana! Where are you?" but she had no response. Scully began to panic, wondering if she'd ever find Mulder in this place at all! He was her constant; her touchstone and who knows what she would do without him. What if she never found him? All the feelings she has for Mulder would never be told and the thought of that makes her want to cry but she pushed back the feeling, knowing the minute she cries she will break down.

She started walking through the mass of men to try and find out what happened to them. She picked up a file for one of the men and started to read it however this file had different information to the women's files and all the bames were different to the ones she saw before. She gave herself an internal slap and sighed in exasperation; she was in the wrong room! Scully hurriedly left the room and headed in the opposite direction to where she was travelling before, hoping that Mulder was closer to her than she thought.

She left back down the corridor; determined to find Mulder until something caught the corner of her eye. She hadn't really payed attention before but this time it sprang out to her. Marked on the wall in large black letters was the word "Pentagon". She vaguely remembered that name from a case her and Mulder investigated some time ago. They had to pass the case on however as they were told that they were not required to investigate the case. She could remember how furious Mulder was and that it was the government hiding things again as they were so close to the truth.

During that case, Mulder had revealed how he feels for Scully and she felt bad for not telling him hers before now. She loves Mulder with all her heart and she know she will never love anyone else as much as him however she has never been able to find the perfect time to tell him. Thinking of him made her snap back to her rescue and she started walking down the corridor again, thinking of what to say to Mulder when she finds him.

She came across another room with a pregnant woman inside and decided to have a look. The woman was in a deep sleep which Scully presumed was thanks to drugs. Next to the bed was a file with a piece of paper sticking out of the side and as Scully picked it up, a picture fell out. A small smile spread across Scully's face as she realised the picture was of an ultrasound of the woman's baby. It was perfectly healthy and it was beautiful! At least she knew the baby wasn't a monster and that she could bring it up properly with Mulder and her dreams were starting to become reality!

She put the file back where she found it and left the room, dreaming of the future she may have with Mulder and the baby. She continued to look for ages before she finally came across the last door. Unlike the last room full of men, this room contained only one body and Scully let out a cry of victory when she recognised the body as her loving colleague. She'd finally found him after all this time and it was well worth the wait!

He was sleeping peacefully on an operating table just like she was and she felt as though she could stare at his flawless features for eternity. Scully rested her head on his chest and whispered, "Oh Mulder! I'm so happy I found you!" For a while she stayed like this, listening to the steady heartbeat in his chest and making the most of the moment.

"Mulder..." She sat up and began to try to gently rouse him. "Mulder I have something important to tell y..." She couldn't finish her sentence, uttering a cry of pain. Her stomach began to scream with intense pain and her legs buckled under it, resulting in Scully falling onto the floor. "Mulder..." Those were the last words she could get out before screaming in agony on the floor.

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