Chapter 9

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Scully sighed. Why can't they carry on? "Mulder, whatever it is, can't it wait until later? I just want to go home!" Mulder looked at Scully with a look in his eye that Scully had never seen before. He'd finally found the truth that he'd sought for many years of his life. Every other emotion including his deep love for Scully could not compete with the amazing feeling of accomplishment that he felt at that moment. The excitement, joy and certainty that everything that he'd ever dreamed of was standing right infront of him was overwhelming. "Scully, we can't keep walking, we're at least 200ft in the air! We're in a UFO Scully!!" He exclaimed.

Scully stared up at him in agitation. "Mulder, we're not in a UFO! Aliens don't exist therefore neither do UFO's!! Don't you ever listen to me when I tell you this?!" She exclaimed, making quotations with her fingers on the words "UFO" and "aliens". She stayed a good distance away from the door, not wanting to believe what her partner was saying.

"Yet here we are Scully! We're in a UFO! How else would you explain what's happened to us?! It's all in a classic abduction case and I should know!..." Mulder began to shake, overwhelmed with emotion. After all this time working on the X-Files, she still didn't believe. In some cases however, she was right to be skeptical; finding evidence that some things were nothing but natural phenomenons when he believed they were something more but this time, he knew he was right. "The evidence is all here! Why don't you believe me?"
"Because I can't believe you Mulder!" She began. "There is nothing here to show that any of this is of alien origin and I can guarantee that this is pure science! Do you want an example?!" Before Mulder could say anything, Scully continued.

"As you know, I'm infertile and during my search for you, I deduced that all the other women here are too. I feel that the people who took us are using us for a fertilisation project by using a method called "vitro fertilisation" which I'm sure you don't want me to go into. What I'm getting at is that these people somehow knew that I was infertile, saw I was with a man and took the opportunity to take us for their project." She finished, looking into his eyes.

Scully's explaniation was definitely plausible but something about felt wrong. "But how do you explain my memory loss Scully? These people want them for something!" He exclaimed, losing his patience. Turns out Scully had already thought about that and waited for him to finish so she could carry on.

"Look Mulder, this is a guess but you're memories were taken for a good reason. I think they want to create an ideal family and for us to start afresh. They were supposed to wipe my memories too and probably do more things to us but we woke up before they could. This baby is purely for their benefit and we would be monitored for the rest of our lives. I feel they're using the baby as a means of pressure to get us to do whatever they want." She hoped that Mulder would understand what she was trying to say but he just seemed to look more agitated before a letting out a burst of anger.

"And you're okay with that?! Having them use us like slaves or suffer the consequence of them taking our child away?! I'm not putting up with it Scully, any of it!! Are you not pissed that they knocked you up without your consent? Well of course you wouldn't, you're finally getting a child which is "all you've ever wanted" and you don't care about the consequences!"

Scully slapped Mulder full-force across the face before screaming back at him. "How DARE you say that I don't care about anything else apart from myself!! Mulder, you're acting like a real bastard right now which makes you no better than the people who took us in the first place! I never said that I was okay with this blackmailing and you should know that I wouldn't say anything like that! My Mulder would know!! Right now, you don't seem like my Mulder so who the hell are you and what have you done with MY Mulder?!?!"

Mulder stared at Scully for a moment, trying to take un what she'd said. "Who the hell are you and what have you done with MY Mulder?!" replayed over and over in his head. He turned away from Scully and carried on walking down the corridor. "Mulder? Hey, where are you going?!" Scully called but he didn't reply. She decided to follow him anyway though, intrigued by where he was going. It broke her heart to think that their relationship had come to an all-time low. Mulder had never shouted at her like that before and it honestly scared her.

They carried on walking down the corridor, the only noises present being the sound of their footsteps. None of them spoke, each one waiting for the other to start conversation. Mulder was deep in thought. He would never lash out like that at Scully but with all the cameras around, he was certain someone was watching them and he didn't want them to find any weaknesses so he pretended to argue with Scully. He felt really bad for making her feel like that and he knew he had to make it up to her.

They kept up the silence until Scully called out, "Mulder please, can you help me? I'm so tired and I'm struggling to walk." Mulder looked around and noticed there weren't any cameras here so he walked over to Scully's aid. He decided to take this opportunity to tell Scully about why he reacted like he did earlier. "Listen Scully, I'm sorry for lashing out on you earlier. It wasn't real as I'd never dream of saying things like that to you." Scully had a look of confusion on her face. "What do you mean it wasn't real Mulder?"

Mulder sighed and continued, "There were so many cameras around so I could tell people were watching us. I wanted to stage a fight so they couldn't find any weaknesses but I feel really bad about... Do you forgive me Scully?" Scully's expression changed from confusion to compassion. "Of course I forgive you Mulder! And I'm sorry for for suspecting that you weren't you too... It's just that with this child in my stomach, my emotions are all over the place and I'm not used to it." She wished that this was all a nightmare and that she would wake up but unfortunately, you can't wake up from reality.

Mulder could see all the pain and fear in her eyes and muttered something that Scully couldn't quite catch. Before she could ask him what he said, he picked her up and carried her down the corridor; no longer caring if they were being watched. The important thing was looking after Scully and the baby.

"Mulder, could you put me down for a minute please? I want to show you something!" Scully excitedly whispered in Mulder's ear. Mulder gently put her down, a soft thud echoing through the corridor as her feet placed on the ground. Mulder looked into the redhead's beautiful eyes and smiled. "So what do you want to show me Scully?" Scully giggled and playfully whispered, "Now can you put your hands on my stomach? I want you to say hello to the baby!" Mulder slowly got down on his knees and Scully lifted her top. He gently placed his hands on Scully's stomach and felt the most beautiful thing ever; a kick.

"Scully..." Mulder began but he couldn't find any words to express his immense happiness so instead, Scully spoke. "I'm not too sure how pregnant I am but I feel I'm only a couple of months away from labour... And I've decided to keep it.." Mulder looked up from her stomach to meet her gaze. He began to stand up and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I will do everything and anything to help you with this child Dana. Because I love you both and I'll be there for you both. You have no idea how much I love you and how long I've wanted to tell you this..."

Scully was overwhelmed with emotion. She's been waiting so long to hear those words and that's all she ever wanted to hear. "Oh Fox, I love you too!! You're the person I love most in my life and I'm ever grateful for you being a part of me. I could never thank you enough for that!" Their faces edged closer and closer together until their foreheads were touching. Before anytjing could happen, Scully asked "Fox? Can you promise me that you'll be there for our child?"
"I promise Dana, with all my life, I promise.." They engage in the most romantic kiss Mulder has had in years. Finally he feels like he has found his soulmate, one that will never leave him and will love him for all eternity. Everything plays out perfectly until they hear someone coming down the corridor. "Scully get down!" Mulder cried before a shot broke the silence.

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