Chapter 2: Just the begining

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Hollywood Breaking News
Category: Fashion

Last week, the famous young designer R.M. Valentino, just made her HUGE debut on the paris 'spring collection' fashion week.
The 17 year old beauty is known by her unique themed design's , but who would have thought the girl had another talent she hid from us all. But how did she get the part to model one of the dresses that easily? Sources say that she designed the beautiful haute cotour gown she wore, but why did she only made her debut now? Why not since the start of her career?

I turned off the tv, and slumped back to my bed, why is hollywood so updated on everything?! And it's only 6:30 AM! I don't need no stress on Monday for god's sakes. And why is the news about me? It could be about the Kardashians and their new butt's or something, And why are they skeptical about it? If i can be a designer surely i can be a model? Right?

ARGH! So frustrating!

I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom connected to my room, i stopped right in front of my mirror, and looked at myself, i remember the events from fashion week like the back of my hand.


I took a deep breath and put on a poker face but not bitchy as i prepare to walk down the runway. Well ,here goes.

I stepped out and strut my way to the end of the runway, glad that i took lady like lessons from my mum so i can walk on these 7 inch deathtraps.

I glanced carefully through the crowd and saw a few designers looking at the dress in awe, all of the heads in the crowds followed me as i continue to strut, the dress was light and i was glad i got to wear this dress, the other ones are way heavier than this. And Armani may not be my theme but their tailors sure do know how to make a dress. The fabric tickled my feet as the petal like ruffles moved as i strut, people hadn't realized that the designer is wearing the dress she made herself, i'm actually quite thankful so i don't have to do modeling anymore. Because if they found out i have to do this continuously so they won't be skeptic as to why i made a debut on freaking fashion week. Modeling, It's just not my thing.

"Is that R.M. Valentino?!" Someone in the crowd shouted, "why it is! She looks striking might i say!" One of the designers agreed.

Welp. There goes my 'no modeling career' now i have to try and model so no one would be suspicious as to why i'm only doing it on the fashion week. Well no turning back now.

As i reached the end of the runway i made a short pose, and twirl so the ruffles would look amazing when the press took photo's of the dress. I did a little seductive look before i turn back towards back stage. I could get used to that.

As i reached the end of the stage and went back stage, Kara came towards me and squealed "you did it! They loved the dress! And they were so surprised that it was you who modeled it!". I just smiled sheepishly and thanked her, the next thing i heard from her was a shock to me, did i heard that right? "I-i'm sorry what?" I stuttered. "Well your the designer, go ahead and do the thank speech thing!".

I completely forgot about that, i didn't know for sure what to do by now because i forgot my speech, "Ms.Valentino you can start the speech now." Kara informed me while giving me the mic.

I walk toward the runway with the mic that Kara gave me, i stopped right near the curtains so it would still hide me from the camera flash. I was slightly trembling because i was so nervous. I took a deep breath and continued to walk toward the middle of the stage, as i stopped i cleared my throat and all eyes turn to me.

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