Chapter 16: Pizza

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I plopped down to my couch as i look for aunt Zeniba's phone number in my phone. When i found it i pressed dial and waited. After a few rings a smooth voice spoke. "Hello dear Rosie, what did i do to make you call me so sudden."

I chuckled "hello to you too aunt Zen, and i wanted to ask you a favor." I heard paper sounds from the other side, she must be doing paper work and writing songs.

"What is it that you need child? But of course i'll do my best to grant it, anything for my favorite niece." She chirped.

"Uhm...i heard you're going to make a new music video right?" She hummed in response. "Well i heard you're gonna do stuff with a male model in the music video." I heard shuffling noises and she cleared her throat.

"Yes that's true, but what does it have to do with your favor Rosie?" I took a deep breath and sighed, "well my dear aunt, you see...the guy you're gonna 'do stuff with' is the person i like and he doesn't seem to agree on doing it, he was forced by his agency." I explained.

"Ah i see, i'll look for another man then, if i knew you liked him i wouldn't have chosen him, i'll tell my team and come up with a reason dear." She chuckled.

"Thank you so much aunt Zen, i'm sorry if it's too much."

"Oh no dear Rosie i'm always happy to help."

After saying our good byes and 'i love you', i hung up and clutched my phone on my hand. Did i just admit that i like Theo King?

It's not like it's something surprising, everyone likes him.

But you LIKE like him.

Me and my mind are both confusing as hell.

A loud door bell put me out of my thoughts, i was curious to see who would suddenly show up at my house, i went to the intercom and press the button to speak to the person near the gates.

"May i help you?"

"Hey cuz, guess who's back?." I gasped, and hurriedly open the gates, i rushed to the door and quickly open it to find my fav cousins grinning as they walk towards me. I went down the small steps and ran to them and jumped towards them and hugged them both at the same time. Luckily their built so they managed to still keep our balance and hugged me back.

"Oh my gosh you guys are back! I miss you guys so much." I beamed at them.

"Hey Rosie, we're back!" Said Jonah. "Yeah and this time we're not visiting anymore we're permanently staying here." Noah added.

"My favorite Italian twin boys are back!! I can't believe it please come in." I noticed that they bought their suitcases, "and you'll be staying at your old room again!" I beamed.

They grinned and nodded, "yup! And we're gonna be attending university here, we don't wanna live in an apartment but we're still gonna have part time jobs though." Said Jonah.

Jonah had dark brown eyes and swooped hair, and a strong jawline, he was the younger twin and the more responsible one, more musical and more diligent compared to Noah, Noah was the goofy gamer twin, yet far more creative than Jonah. He has the same features as Jonah, but his hair was more messier in an unkept way compared to Jonah's hair.

Jonah and Noah are my twin cousins, they used to live with me because their parents are travel photographers and video makers, their work is to go around the world and sight see as many things as possible for renowned magazines and other media, their company are well supported by my fathers and so they have a lot of money and time to spend. They sometimes come home for a few weeks until they have to take off again, they moved to Italy when they were fifteen because their mom and dad had to take a break and raise them properly until they turn 18, they used to visit and stay at my house for weeks when their mom and dad are off on business trips, when they turned 13, as a gift, my mom and dad made each of them bedrooms, since my house is more than big enough for two more bedrooms, my mom and dad were more than happy.

They lived here more often than Italy before they moved there for three years, but after they're 15 they had to move there to go to highschool and live a normal life, now they are back and I'm more than happy to have them permanently back.

"Im sorry mom and dad aren't here, they had to go on a long business trip." Jonah waved his hands, "it's okay Rosie, we already told them we're back." I grinned, "perfect!" I grabbed a few of their bags, "come on guys, i'll tell Sebby to make homemade pizza for us." They grinned enthusiastically, "Sebby's pizza is the best." I nodded, no doubt it was.

-three hours later-

After we ate and the twins put their things in their room, we head downstairs to my designing room, they loved to help me come up with ideas, so i let them roam around and look for inspo. "Dang you've been improving so much i'm actually impressed." I heard Jonah say, he was near the half finished designs that i haven't quite have the will to finish.

"I'm planning to make it my prom dress." The dress was a two piece, consisting a tube top and a long skirt with a small train, it's completely blank, and i'm still contemplating if i should sew it and make it a one piece or leave it at that.

"Whatever you'll wear will look good Rosie." Jonah smiled, "Yeah as if we haven't seen you walking down the runway like a friggin princess." Noah added, i just smiled "you guys are sweet but i rather make dresses and let people model them instead." Jonah just shook his head muttering "weirdo." And admiring some of the sketches for the Alexander McQueen campaign.

"Oh shi- Rosie, you got the deal?." Jonah looked at me with wide eyes, Noah didn't know why Jonah was so shocked and he went to where Jonah is, after he looked at the sketches he then looked at me the same way as Jonah.

This is honestly kinda funny, but who am i to judge a pair of twins?

I shrugged, "hey while you guys were away i've been working my ass off for this, luckily it paid off and Alexander McQueen's team wanted me in so i accept right away."

I felt big bulky hands suffocate my body as the twins bear hugged me, "oh my god we're so happy for you Rosie." "Okay guys i can't breathe here." They let go and i took a deep breath and breathed out. I smiled at them, "Thanks for your support guys." They smiled in return and ruffling my hair which earned them a pout from me.

"Rose, the pizza's ready." Sebby said, me and the twins turn towards the door to see Sebby holding one slice of pizza, the twins and i exchanged looks and raced towards the kitchen. Four huge plates of fresh baked pizza, a deep dish one a Chicago favorite, classic margarita, and a pepperoni pizza, and a pineapple pizza specially made for Noah. He loves it.

We ate the pizza and told stories and catch up with each other, and i accidentally let Theo's name slipped out of my mouth. The twins looked at me and smirked , "So," Jonah said, "fancy telling who might this 'Theo' be?"

Well crap.

-chapter 16 end-

Okay don't roast me for not updating, i mean who am i to forbid u but yeah. School has been HECTIC, i'm a senior in high school, so you might know what i meant by "hectic". University applications, and what major am i gonna go to. I don't have much time to do anything these days since i'm so busy. Extra lessons And finals have been keeping me away from wattpad.

I dont have any more excuses but i'm sorry for not updating 🙏🏼😭 please vote comment and share this to your friends! Love you guys! See you as soon as i'm free lol.

Xoxo -Ro

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