Phil Anselmo

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^Thats the flannel shirt that phil is wearing in the story^

*Okay I'm doing a smut one shot of Phil because he's a sexy mofo and unfortunately there's no one shots of him so....IM CHANGING THAT*
BTW: all of Phil's dialogue you have to imagine him talking with his southern accent😂

Setting: 1990 CFH era

Phil's POV
Dammit I dreamt about her again. Me fucking her senseless, her screaming my name. With a little "Daddy!" thrown in there. And here I lay, my own semen slathered all over my bare chest. This needed to happen. Not in a dream, in REAL LIFE. We have kept in touch since high school, but haven't seen each other since. I still remember what she wrote in my yearbook the year before I dropped out: "See you around best friend! Keep in touch! Love, Steph Xoxo"

I need her. I sit up and think about her legs shaking, me eating out that fine as fuck pussy. Mine and her's juices flowing down our legs as she wobbles uncontrollably. I can't imagine what she tastes like. I shake my head and smirk. Time to get dressed and go to her house.

I get up and walk over to my closet, stretching my arms behind my head while yawning. I stroked my hair back and chose a flannel shirt with dark green shorts. I grab my keys from the bowl next to my door and head out. I hopped into my car and flipped the radio on. I must've went through the channels a thousand times and said, "Bullshit." About a million times before I actually found a station.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at her house. I got out and jogged to the front door. "God I hope she recognizes me." I thought to myself.

I saw the door open and oh my god she's even more gorgeous than highschool! Damn!

"Phil? Phil Anselmo is that you?!" She screamed and threw her arms around my neck. My muscular arms picked her up off the ground and hugged her back.

"Yup, it's me alright! Philip Hansen Anselmo!" I said, setting her down.

She wouldn't stop smiling. Oh god she's melting me by the minute. Doesn't she know what she does to guys?

"Come on in buddy!" She said cheerfully.

I smiled. "Thanks!"

I stepped into her house and an aroma of cinnamon hit me. She must've noticed because she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Hello? Earth to phil? Haha." She joked.

I snapped out of the daze. "Oh yeah. Haha sorry your house just smells so fucking good!"

"Thanks pal! Haha. Have a seat on the couch!"

"Surely." I said, smirking.

She sat down next to me. Like, close.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Um. Well there's kind of something I need to tell you. I've been holding it in since highschool. Hell, since I first met you."

She nodded and motioned for me to continue.

"Stephanie, I love you. Like REALLY love you. I love you so much that I have wet dreams about you."

Oh god why did I tell her the wet dreams part? Fuck I screwed up. What is her reaction gonna be?! Oh Lord she's getting closer to me. I'm feeling growing in my pants!

She got close to my ear and whispered, "Then I have a confession too. I've also loved you ever since I laid eyes on you. I want you Phil. I NEED you Phil."

Oh Jesus my dreams have come true! Fuck yeah!

"Really?" Was all I could say.

"Mhmm. Now why don't you tell me what you were dreaming about."

I smirked and spoke nervously. "Well, to be completely honest, I dreamt of eating you out until your legs shake and then fuck the hell out of you."

"Really? Well why don't we make those dreams come true?" She said with a smirk, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom.

We entered the bedroom and I closed the door. I turned around with a devious smile as she sat like a slutty school girl on the bed. I started to take of my clothes.

"Take off your clothes baby girl. You will answer me only as "Daddy"."

"Yes, daddy." She said seductively. We were fully naked and she stood up. I slid my giant hands around her slim hips, towering over her.

I looked down into her green eyes. "Now, are you gonna be a good girl for daddy baby girl?"

"Yes daddy." She said, eyeing me up and down.

I kissed her passionately on her soft pink lips and she moaned against my mouth. While we were making out, my hands slid down to her perfectly shaped ass and squeezed. She let out a light laugh and pulled away.

I smiled. "Lie down baby girl."

She did as she was told and laid down. I looked down and I was fully erected. A whole ten inches. She laid perfectly on the bed. I kissed down her chest, all the way down. She gasped from the slight pleasure. Then...Then I hit the jackpot. I got to her sweet spot. Should I torture her? Of course! I lowered my mouth to her gem and began to lick. Fuck! She tastes as good as I thought she would! I licked, twirled, and swirled my tongue around. She was moaning so loud I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard.

"Phil.. I'm going to cum!" She yelped.

And....the torture begins. "Oh no you don't. Not yet babe."

She moaned. "Please phil...."

"What did you call me?" I remarked. For punishment, I jammed two fingers in and thrusted in and out as fast as I could.

She moaned even louder. She grasped my hair as I continued to eat her out. "Daddy...."

"That's what I thought." I chuckled lightly.

"Daddy...please let me cum." She begged.

"Ooh I like the way you beg. Soon enough baby girl you'll be able to...just not yet." I smirked evily.

She moaned at my statement. "I love how you moan baby. You won't be able to stop when I enter you. Now, are you going to be a good girl and take all of Daddy's ten inches?"

She licked her lips and groaned. "Mhmm. Fuck me daddy...please..."

"Whatever you say kitten." I said hungrily. I stood up and looked downwards, putting on a handy condom.

"Daddy come on I can't wait any longer!"

"Alright kitten are you ready?" I said, pressing my member against her folds.

She moaned senselessly. "Daddy stop teasing and fuck me!"

I grinned. "Get ready baby girl." I positioned myself in front of her entrance. She's gonna feel the thunder. I thrusted myself into her as hard as I could. She screamed. I laughed lightly to myself. I was only half way in. Just five out of my ten inches.

"Daddy...more..." She begged. I grinned and pushed the rest inside. She practically screamed. I know she's not used to this size. I started moving faster and faster to the point I thought the bed would break. She was screaming and grasping her breasts. I leaned down in a kind of hug position and held onto her. Her nails dug into my back. I think a little blood even shed. I have scratches all down my back.

We both reached our climaxes. "Daddy I need to cum!"

"Almost baby. I'm almost there. Only when I say." She moaned at this statement.

"!" We both groaned and let our fluids out. I collapsed on top of her.

"That...was... amazing." She breathed through breaths. I smiled and kissed her passionately.

" you need me to show you those dreams again?"

"Hell yes Philip Anselmo...Hell yes."


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