Strange dream about charlie scene

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•Wow okay I haven't updated in forever lmao. Been extremely busy with school and swimming over the course of the last year. Heading into sophomore year now! Anyways.....I had a dream involving Charlie scene from Hollywood undead (if any of you know them). So. I was at my grandparents house and for some reason my family wasn't there. But it was Charlie's house. I think he kidnapped me or something. I don't remember how I got there honestly. So I think he basically kept me as his "prisoner" because he loved me and didn't know what else to do than to hold me captive so I would never leave him😂🤷‍♀️. So yeah I basically spent my days in the house with him. Even if we weren't in the same room, it was weird. I mean I didn't really have a problem with any of this because I loved being his bitch😂Except when he'd leave the house, he'd either lock me in a room or like tie me to something so I didn't run away😂But eventually I got really sick and tired of it (in the dream) so whenever he'd leave the house I'd try to leave but he'd always catch me. That usually wound up being a punishment. I don't remember exactly what they'd be, but u could prob guess ;)....The last thing I remember correctly from the dream is that someone rang the doorbell and Charlie opened the door and I stood on the staircase while he talked to this person. I eventually walked to him and stood next to him at the door but he turned to me and gave me this really harsh stare almost like he was saying,"why are you downstairs and not upstairs in your room?". It was a really mad kinda stare lol. So I think I went back upstairs and he closed the door in the persons face (lol). Then I think the next day I really tried to make a break for it and run away. But right as I was escaping from the house, he fucking came driving up the driveway and SAW me. Lol fml. So he jumped out of his car and chased me back into the house lmao. He cornered me somewhere and condescendingly talked me down from ever trying to run away again. So he was in another room at this point and I quietly went downstairs to try and call the cops on a phone. Keep in mind he was still pissed at me so if he found me doing this I'd be dead. I dialed "911" and all I had time to say was like,"please help me get here quick" or something like that. And I dropped the phone cuz he came upstairs from the den. When he questioned me who I was on the phone with, I simply said a friend or something. He didn't seem to believe me so he started chasing me again😂I ran through the kitchen and the dining room but he cut through the living room to the dining room so he almost caught me. I ran out the sliding glass door and tried to hold it closed from the outside but he was too strong and opened the door so I ran the opposite direction from him😂And then when I got to the driveway the cops were there just in time to see me come bolting from the backyard to the driveway. The cops had caught on to what was happening. "Jordan Terrell (Charlie's name) you are under arrest". And yea they took him away and that was it.

WacksterJackster fuckin read this lmao😂

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