Kurt Cobain~Nirvanahhhhh

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Kurt stirred in his sleep as I lay awake next to him, gazing at the ceiling. He's making slight jerks in movement more often now. He's got his pillow clutched with his left hand on top of his right hand. I propped myself up on my elbows and started shaking him for him to hopefully wake up. He was starting to grunt and started saying, "No.......No! NOOOOOOOOOOO! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"

"KURT! KURT WAKE UP!" I was shaking him violently now. He jolted up breathing extremely hard. Chest heaving in and out. I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly. I must've startled him because he jumped a little when my hand touched his skin. He breathed in slowly, then exhaled. "Sorry..... bad dream." He frowned. I rubbed his back reassuringly. "It's okay, I was awake anyway. You wanna talk about it?"

He took a deep breath inwards and spoke shakily. "I-I dreamt that you overdosed on heroin and I lost you. I was trying to revive you and then I woke up." He rambled. I pulled his head to my chest and laid back down again. I played with his short blonde locks. "It's okay Kurt, we're okay. And besides, I'll never let that happen to any of us." I stroked his hair comfortingly as I spoke. He swallowed hard and inhaled breath through his nose. "Go back to sleep Kurty." I looked at him with a smile.

"I can't now that you smiled beautifully at me." He smirked up at me with a small chuckle.

I smiled back at him. "And What're you gonna do about it?" I raised my eyebrows mockingly at him. He sat up and got on top of my lap so he was straddling me. "This". He said and kissed me passionately. He had kissed me with more need and want than ever before. I moaned slightly as I felt him slowly grind into my lower area. He bit my lip and pulled it forwards. A few kisses turned into a full on make out session. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, smiling. "I love you."


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