Sean Kinney~Alice In Chains

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!This was a request from YandereMoogle_ . Feel free to message me with requests¡

October 7th, 1990

I've been with my boyfriend Trent for the past 5 years. And let me tell you, he's the biggest ass hole ever. All the "I'm sorrys", the lies, and the cheating. I was dumb enough each time to take him back. I'll never know why, but I'd always found a reason not to leave him each time. But recently, he's started going out drinking. He's a violent drunk, coming home every night at some ungodly hour. He's started to hit and abuse me. Well, tonight, I'd had enough. I was about to leave and never return when he came through the door.

He grabbed my arm and slapped my face. "Where do you think you're going Bitch?!?!?!"

Another slap. "I'm leaving Trent! I'm fucking sick and tired of this shit! Fuck you!"

I wrenched myself out of his grip, bolting past him and out the door. I was in tears as I swung open the door of my car threw myself in. I sat for a moment, trying to replay everything that just occurred in my head, and where I could go for the night. First thought was a motel......but ah yes! I'll go to Sean's house. He won't mind.

I arrived at the house 10 minutes later, still in tears. I shakily walked up to the front door and knocked. Sean answered within 10 seconds. He saw me crying and a look of concern washed over his face.

I sniffled as he wrapped his arms around me. "'s okay, You're with me now." He hushed me as he stroked my hair.

"C'mon, come in." He said motioning for me to come in. I slowly walked in the door.  He lead me upstairs to his bedroom. He gave me some comfortable clothes to change in to. I laid down on the bed and he headed for the door. "Wait Sean. Can you stay with me?" I almost begged.

He turned around and nodded, frowning, unwrapping his hand from the door knob. He laid down next to me and I nestled in to his chest. He stroked my hair and back as he comforted me.

After awhile, I calmed down and he broke the comfortable silence. "Did you finally break up with him?"

I nodded. "Good because if you didn't, I woulda gone over there and taken care of it for ya!"

I chuckled lightly. "Can I ask you something?" I asked, sitting up.

He frowned, then smiled. "Anything."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Oh Hell Yes!" He more or less shouted. Then something happened that I never would have expected next. We kissed.

A\N: Hey sorry this took a few days I've been busy with school. So yah message me or leave comments if u want a one shot!

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