What just happened?

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Quick Authors note! I just want to say thank you guys for reading, voting, and commenting on my book! It means a lot to me! This chapter was inspired by KristaColegrove. Without her I probably wouldn't have written this chapter tonight. So have fun reading this chapter!

*Text messages*
To: KiKi❤️
Hey, um can you come to my room real quick?...
To: Jc ☁️
Yeah... Why?
To: KiKi❤️
Just come. I'll explain.

Kian's Pov.
"Hey, what did you want?" I ask, walking into his room. "I just wanted to talk to you."Jc comments. "Okay... What about?" I question. "Just, sit down..." Jc says while patting his hand on his bed. "Okay." I state, as I sit down next to him. "So I was starting to get curious." Jc says slowly. "About us..." He says, looking at me. "Jc..." I say, getting slightly scared. And without any warning Jc pushes me off the bed. I start to say "What the hell was that for?" But before I could finish, he kissed me. It took a minute to process, but once I figured it out, I pushed him off. "Jc... Why did you do that?" I say. "Kian, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It just all happened." Jc stated, with worry in his voice. "Jc, I need some time to think... Don't take this the wrong way though." I state. "Kian, please. Don't go..." Jc says, getting upset. I Start to leave, but Jc stops me. At this point we are inches away from each other, I can't stop thinking of how good of a kisser he was. Jc starts to lean in. I don't know if I should kiss back or move away. As Jc leans closer and closer, I decide to lean in aswell. When we are finally touching noses, he whispers in my ear, "I knew you wanted me, KiKi." Jc says, while leaving his room. "I cannot believe you, you fucker!" I yell towards Jc. "You're welcome!" He yells back.

*Couple hours Later*
Jc's Pov.
I don't know what just happened. But I guess Kian likes me. I don't know why he changed his mind, but I'm glad. All I know is I could use some Panera. "I'm leaving, to go get some Panera, wanna come?" I call to Kian. "Yeah, sure! Give me a second." He yells back. I'm so glad that things aren't awkward between us. That's the one thing I wasn't thinking about when I kissed him. But all I know is that I have a chance to have KiKi as my own, that's what makes me happy the most. Knowing that Kian likes me back, is just great, peachy kin if you will.
*At Panera*
Me and Kian sit side by side, instead of in front of each other. I don't know why, but I'm happy about it. While me and Kian are eating our meals, Kian grabs my hand. I don't know what he's trying to imply here. Like are we dating know or, does he just feel like he's obligated to hand my hand?

Kian's Pov.
I decide to hand Jc's hand, but when I did, he got all squirmy on me. Did I make the wrong move? Oh god, I made the wrong move. Fuck. I move my hand to get my drink, just so that I don't make things awkward. Jc decide to finally talk, after shoving his mouth full of food. "Thank you for buying." "Jeez, if I would've known that you were ordering that much, I would've had you pay" I say laughing a bit. "Haha, very funny." Jc says in a sarcastic voice. "So how is your feast?" I ask. "Good, good. I'm still really hungry though." He states. "Dude, you have eaten three sandwiches, and you have another one still." I say, trying to make sure that he understands what I'm saying. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't eat. I haven't had anything today, except for a bowl of cereal. Cut me some slack." Jc says, complaining. I decide to just ignore him.
*Back home*
"Hey, Jc can you get my phone for me?" I ask. "Kian, it's literally maybe two feet away. Stop being so god damn lazy." Jc states. "Whatever, dude." I simply comment.

Authors notes!
Okay I am so sorry it took me this long to publish, I was watching a movie, an had a slight writers block. BUT it is done so do whatever. I love you guys!     Eh. I'm sorry that was awkward, just ignore me! Bye!!!!!!!!!

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