10 minutes

179 7 1

Kian's Pov.
As Jc is on the carousel, I decide to text Trevor.
*Text Messages*
To: Trev🌈
Hey, do you think you can come by me and Jc's house?
To: Ke-yuhn🍭
Yeah, sure. Why?

To: Trev🌈
Well, I want to surprise a girl. And if anyone would know how to be romantic it would be you. Do you think you can help me?

To: Ke-yuhn🍭
Honey, please. I can make it look like a million lives there. What does this girl look like?

To: Trev🌈
Well I'm it's hard to explain...

To: Ke-yuhn🍭
Just tell me dude.

To: Trev🌈
Ugh. So it's not really anyone I would usually date... Umm, I'm kinda hanging out with Jc right now. I gotta go, he's wanting food.

Wait Kian, are you Bi?

Kian's Pov.
Trevor won't stop texting me. I'm tired of it. Jc and I decided that we'll order a snack, and head home. While Jc is eating his nachos, I text Trevor letting him know that he has to leave in five minutes. I say five so that Trevor can finish up his work and, leave without messing things up.

Jc's Pov.
Kian says that well be leaving in Five minutes, it takes us about seven minutes to getting home, so 12 minutes before he does his ten minutes. Kian's been on his phone ever since we ordered our food. All I know is that these nachos aren't gonna fill me up. Kian and I are walking towards his car, and I'm kinda regretting that deal we made. I'm afraid that Kian is just gonna use me for sex, nothing else. We are now a block away from our house.

Kian's Pov.
I can tell Jc is nervous, that's why I'm not gonna be to hard on him. I know he isn't used to this kind of stuff. As I open the door for Jc, he looks like he's about to puke. "Jc, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, um can we just get this over with?" Jc quivered. I frowned, I don't know why he's acting like this. I help Jc out, and hold his hand. I open the door to see candles everywhere. I grinned. There was a little table for two, with rose petals all around it. As I looked over at Jc, he had a stunned expression on his face. I let him walk towards the table, as he is about to move his chair, I move it for him.

Jc's Pov.
I looked at Kian, just awed at this whole thing. I was expecting him wanting to go to his bedroom, and have sex. But he did this. "This is insane." I state, looking at Kian. "Do you like it?" Kian asked. "Do I like it? I love it Kian. I'm just confused. Why this? I thought you were going to do something else." I say, looking down. "Yeah, I figured you would've thought that." Kian says, looking at Jc.

"So Jc are you still hungry?" Kian asked, pulling food out of the basket Trevor left for Kian.
"Yeah, what's for dinner, KiKi?" Jc stated, licking his lips. "Taco Bell, and Arizona sweet Tea." Kian smiled. As Kian and Jc are their food Kian decided to ask Jc a question. "Hey Jc." Kian talked. Jc looked at Kian, he was on one knee, with his hands out for Jc to grab. Jc grabbed Kian's hands, and had a look of awe on his face. Kian finally talked again. "Jc, will you do me the honor of." Kian paused. "Tying my shoe?" Kian asked finally. Jc now had a look of disappointment of his face. "Sure, Kian." Jc said, while tying his shoe. "Thanks, Jc you're the best!" Kian grinned. When Jc looked up he saw a screen of photos. Not any photos though. It was when Kian and Jc had first met. It slowly went through the years of dialogue. As Jc was about to say something Kian interrupted. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. When Kian came back he was all dressed up. Kian saw Jc crying, Kian knew he finally fixed all off his mistakes excepted for one. Kian watched the screen until it was his que. When Jc finally saw Kian, he cried even more. Kian finally asked. "Jc will you do me the favor, and be my boyfriend?" Jc had a suppressed look on his face. He looked at Kian for the longest time, admiring every inch of him. Jc was about to speak, when a time went off. Jc looked startled, and asked "What was that?" "Well, we made a deal that I could do whatever I wanted to you for ten minutes. But I switched it up alittle, instead of ten minutes, I decided we would have 25 minutes together. But I will always want more time with you Jc." Kian explains. "Yes." Jc says. "Yes?" Kian qeustions. "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend." Jc grins.

And there you have it! Kian asked out Jc. Hehehe you thought there was going to be smut. WELL YOU WERE WRONG! Hehehe hope you guys in joyed it. Leave comments, and votes. Bye! ~Squiggly Line 👽

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