Chaptet 18

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Have an update y'all

It had been about a week since Phil had met Dan's family. Dan had come over the next day and Phil's mum was thrilled when she found out Dan was dating her son (but gave him a tiny 'you be good to my son' speech with many protests from Phil) and he had stayed over a couple more times after that. They spent more time at Phil's house than Dan's (mostly because Phil's mum worked long hours as a nurse so they were by themselves) and because Phil thought Dan would want to keep him away from Damian. He still hadn't mentioned Damian slapping his bum to Dan, and he thought it had better stay that way. He really didn't want to upset Dan. So he'd kept his mouth shut.

"Philly, do you wanna come over Saturday?" Dan asked one day while they were lying on Phil's bed. The had previously been playing sonic but when Phil got frustrated and almost broke the controller Dan had taken over. That hadn't lasted very long either, as Phil kept distracting Dan with kisses and making him die which ended in Dan tackling Phil off the bed and some screeching. So when they were just lying on the bed not talking it seemed a bit weird for Dan to ask this.
"Of course Danny bear, but what about Damian?" He added tactfully, playing with Dan's hair to keep him calm in case he had brought up something that would make Dan tense up.
"He's going out all day with some mates, so you will be safe," Dan said happily, nuzzling into Phil's hair with his nose, smelling the fresh fruity strands and trying to memorise the scent for when Phil wasn't around.
"Good," Phil said, feeling Dan squirm around him like a puppy. "What are you doing?"
"I am trying to remember your scent," Dan said, moving his nose to Phil's shoulder, to his chest, to his hips. Phil started to giggle as it was quite ticklish and Dan looked up at him smiling.
"So, what do I smell of?" Phil asked curiously.
"You smell... Of vanilla candles, and fresh pumpkin cakes. And of your fruity shampoo and your lynx, I think it is the excite one," Dan said, sniffing Dan's chest again.
"But I don't like pumpkins," Phil told him.
"You still smell of them for some reason," Dan shrugged.
"Right my turn," Phil giggled, and shuffled around a little.

He buried his nose in Dan's hair and smelt it, moving down to his neck and then torso, kissing the part of skin that was on show near his stomach where his top had ridden up.
"You smell of burnt hair, not in a bad way, it's nice, and cinnamon, and mint mouthwash," Phil told him thoughtfully. He shuffled back up and kissed Dan's jaw then pulled back. "Are you wearing aftershave?" He asked, giggling as Dan blushed.
"Maybe," Dan said.
"Why are you wearing it?" Phil asked again.
"I shaved this morning so I thought i would put some on," Dan said, looking away from Phil a little.
"Dan, you don't shave, you don't have to. Did you put it on for me?" Phil smiled, stroking his cheek gently with his forefinger.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you would notice," Dan said, blushing again.
"Bear you don't have to wear it to try and impress or entice me, I love you for you and you don't need aftershave for that," Phil told him, nuzzling into his neck, placing a lazy kiss there, forgetting how sensitive Dan's neck was, until he felt Dan shiver. "Sorry," he mumbled against Dan's skin.
"No... no problem," Dan stuttered back, wriggling a little more.

Phil sneakily pressed another kiss to his neck and felt Dan shudder again.
"Stop it," Dan whined.
"Stop what?" Phil said cheekily, placing a few more to his exposed skin. He hooked his hands around to the other side of Dan's neck so he couldn't wriggle away and started planting more squeaky kisses to his neck, hearing Dan's short sharp intake of breath again and again, giggling as he kept torturing the boy.
"Phil stop... Please," Dan gasped, squirming around.
"Why?" Phil asked grinning, whispering right into his ear.
"I cant- ahh," he breathed as Phil kissed just under his ear.
"Why can't you?" Phil teased, whispering against Dan's neck and hearing Dan groan a little under it. He nipped at the skin and Dan almost stopped breathing, before a tiny moan came from his lips.
"Because you're turning me on," he rushed, and Phil paused, suddenly understanding Dan's reasons of not liking people touching his neck.
"Oh Dan I'm really sorry I didn't know," Phil said, moving away and biting his lip.
"It's okay, I just..." Dan trailed off.
"I am sorry bear," Phil apologised again. He pulled himself up the bed and put his arm around Dan's torso, moving away from his neck.
"It's just I know you're not ready and yeah..." Dan said quietly, his breath going back to normal.
"I know, I'm sorry bear," Phil said again. They lay on silence for a minute or two, Phil thinking over what Dan had said.

"Dan, I really love you you know. You don't pressure me into things you know I don't want to do yet and you are sweet and adorable and I just love you so much," Phil told him, kissing his forehead sweetly. "I hope you know how much you mean to me," he added quietly, seeing Dan tilt his head up to look into his eyes.
"I hope you know how much you mean to me and how much I love you too," Dan replied, and pecked Phil's lips softly.

This was the best part of relationships, Dan thought. Sweet kisses, truthful talks and lots of cuddles.

The next day Dan couldn't go to Phil's after school as he said he was going to help him mum out for a bit so it felt a little weird for Phil to be home alone. Hopefully no demons would try and attack him. Cross fingers. He made himself a pop tart as he realised he was pretty hungry and sat on his bed chomping it, deciding to watch a movie since he had no homework or Dan to distract him. (Whenever he watched movies with Dan they always chatted and kissed throughout them and hardly watched them so it didn't count so much). He decided to watch something he could relax while watching, and decided on Howl's moving castle, unintentionally realising he was already missing Dan. He put it in his laptop and started it, lying on his bed comfortably while watching.

After about an hour Phil's phone buzzed, and his face lit up when he realised it was from Dan.

Hey I am done now do you wanna meet up? Xx

Of course, come over now if you want, I'm not doing anything xx

Phil was really happy to see Dan again, he actually felt all fuzzy inside, the amount of clichéd thoughts making him feel a bit sick. He closed his laptop and put on some music to calm his stomach a little. He didn't even know why he was so happy, he had seen Dan just a few hours ago, but hey, that's love.

Phil got a bit distracted and was dancing to Fall out boy when he heard his doorbell ring. He ran downstairs and flung open the door so see Dan looking awkward on his doorstop. He hugged him tightly but Dan didn't really hug back.
"Er, Phil?" He heard Dan say, except his voice was deeper than usual. He pulled away. It was Damian. Oops.
"Oh god sorry, I thought you were Dan and I missed him and yeah," Phil said awkwardly. "Wait why are you here?" He asked a little suspiciously.
"I kinda wondered if you could help me," Damian said nervously. Wait, he was nervous? Phil knew this could be a trick, but Damian looked pretty genuine so he smiled at him instead.
"Sure, what do you need help with?" He said casually, leaning against his door, feeling a little more at ease now Damian seemed more human.
"I want to be a better person. I mean, I have met you once, I apologise for everything I said and did by the way, and you wouldn't have dreamed of talking to me today unless I had stolen Dan's phone and texted you," he said a little sadly. "I am in with the wrong bunch of people and I want to get out, to be a good person who isn't wasting their life. Dan wouldn't help me after what I did, which was unforgivable I know, but I was hoping you might, if there is a way of making me, well, more me," Damian said, struggling with his words.
"Of course I will help you. Do you wanna come in and talk or something?" Phil asked, his heart softening. Damian was literally just misunderstood and stuck where he didn't want to be, how could Phil turn him away?
"I can't, I have to get home, but if I give you my number do you wanna meet up sometime?" He asked again, smiling a proper smile at Phil.
"Sure," Phil said, taking his phone out of his pocket and clicking onto new contact, passing his phone to Damian who had done the same. They inputted their numbers and Phil saw Damian had added 'Awesome' to the start of his name, making Phil laugh.
"Anyway I'll see you sometime Phil. But... Would it okay if we don't tell my brother. I know that sounds really creepy as I was pretty horrible to you last week but I don't want him getting mad at you. So would it be okay if we just let him decide when it's okay to let you in our house because he feels he can trust me a little more?" He asked, pleading slightly in his eyes.
"That's probably a good idea, I don't want Dan mad again," Phil frowned.
"I should probably apologise to him for that, and, well, everything. But in good time I think," Damian said, then flashed Phil a smile before walking away down his path.

Phil closed his door and smiled, he really did want to help Damian, so he could try and fix things between him and his brother and stop Dan worrying about anything happening like before with him and Damian. As if, Phil loved Dan and always would, so even if Damian tried to come onto him when they met up he would just push him off and tell him no way. Simple as. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and saw Damian had already texted him.

Thanks Phil, you're the best :)

Damian had even sent a smiley face, he must at least be trying.

Anytime :)

Phil replied before going back upstairs, deciding to carry on with the rest of his movie.

Awwww Damian's all nice :3 he's like a punk Dan, I want one :p but hey, don't we all? ;)

But anyway I hope you liked the last part, it was a bit weird to write but oh well.


Stay kittenish my cats!

Anni out!

*throws hats at you and rainbow sprinkles*

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