Sofya Stark and Pre- Capture

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 A/N: Tony= mortal form                                                                                                                                                         Percy= demigod form

3rd person POV

Sofya stark is Tony Stark's twin sister to most of the world. In reality she is Poseidon's twin sister. She is the lady of time, space, dimensions, civilization, destiny, mortals, immortals, fate and the Olympian Council. She is the heir of Chaos and the patron of heroes. As the heir of Chaos, who ever she makes her champion is also immortal. Partial champions are resurrected a maximum of 12 times. So Annabeth, who everyone knows was a partial champion, would be resurrected when Percy is 26.

As they were told that they should expect Lady Sofya, Pepper/Thalia, Jason and Nico/James really should not have been all that surprised when they saw her in a pair of jean shorts, a GAP T-Shirt and a Hollister hoodie. Especially when Tony/Percy took time to tell them that she would be like that. Tony had also given them information about his mother, father, butler and the butler's wife. Oh, and more info about himself and his 'public face'. Whatcha' know, their cousin who they all thought was all-American (except for the whole gods thing) is actually not American at all! Instead he is part Italian (cue Rhodey (as Tony calls him) and him blabbering to kingdom come in Italian for 5 whole minutes), part British (Yes, Pepper I do have a British accent. Whatever other reason could be there for my, for lack of better terms, accent-less English?)and half Greek (mom is a demigod and so is dad so it's kind of a given?). And that Percy's mom is actually an assassin(Your mom, the one who makes awesome blue cookies and is super sweet, is an assassin.). Yeah, so they really should not be surprised, or at least, that what Tony thought. So he just rolled his eyes and hugged his 'twin sister'. Then he asked her where mom was. She sighed and said that she was on a mission.

"本当に?" (really?)

"はい,Dummy をプログラミング終える行きます"(yes, go finish programming Dummy)



"Да, мэм"(yes, ma'am)

Lady Sofya raised an unimpressed eyebrow at what Jason thought was sarcasm and Percy sulked of to where Jason thought his room was. She then sighed before smiling and welcoming them inside but somehow Jason thought that his life was just going to get crazier, even in the mortal world. 

Thalia, to her credit, did not think wry thoughts and certainly did not blabber in Italian. Instead, she raised an eyebrow and sighed at her life before following Lady Sofya to her room. She was honestly surprised at how well the room suited her. It was on the first floor so it was not too high but just high enough and it had a small glass balcony so it was like she was sitting on a tree branch like the hunters would as they hunted. Thalia finally allowed herself a small smile.

Nico was a blubbering mess ever since he saw Lady Sofya. No, he did not have a crush on her but she looked and spoke to Percy the same way Bianca and Hazel used to treat him, a sort of motherly concern along with a stern voice. Though, admittedly, Sofya (as she asked them to call her) was a lot sterner. Oh, and Nico absolutely loved his room in the mansion.

And so, life moved on.

*Percy is 20 years old*

"Tony Stark.



"American patriot. "Even from an early age, the son of legendary weapons developer Howard Stark quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. At age four, he built his first circuit board. At age six, his first engine and at 17, he graduated summa cum laude from MIT."Then, the passing of a titan and Howard Stark's prodigal son is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries.

Percy Jackson, A.K.A Tony Stark (Ironman)Where stories live. Discover now