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A/N: So sorry for the long delay. I have been super busy lately and couldn't find the time to update. Plus Captain America: Civil War really got my feels out and I could totally rant right now but since we're here for the next chapter, moving on!

Tony POV

After the explosion, I don't really remember much. I remember screaming and flashes of light and people and an excruciating feeling in my chest as surgery was performed on me with no drugs and with me awake.

  I woke up, all groggy and stuff, in a bed I had never seen or been in before (which really leaves a lot of beds and cots, really). My nose twitched, something felt weird there. I then discovered a nasal tube which was disgustingly long. I, of course, removed it. I saw a glass of water which I reached for but ended knocking over. When I turned, there was a man calmly shaving there (Ho Yinsen - Bern, Switzerland, 1999), as if nothing was wrong.

 I tried to get up when Yinsen said "I wouldn't do that, if I were you,". That was when I noticed that there was a car battery and its wire were connected to something in me. That's when I panicked and ripped the bandages off of me to see an electromagnet inside of me.

A small while later, once I'd calmed, I asked Yinsen "What did you do to me?" which, okay, was very rude but I was still slightly panicked.

 He calmly answered that what he did was save my life and that he tried to remove as much of the shrapnel as possible but still a lot remained and that they were heading to my atrial septum and that the electromagnet kept them away. He showed me a bottle of the shrapnel in me and, wow, I was not looking forward to dying this way.

I then noticed a camera to which Yinsen said "That's right. Smile!" and casually mentioned that we had met once in a conference in Bern ( I answered that I didn't remember, though I did, but I was supposed to be drunk so...(though that was for Dr. Maya Hansen and her Extremis project)) and that he wouldn't have been able to stand if he was that drunk much less give a speech on integrated circuits (I doubt I could actually do that, then again, I don't drink) in a way that seemed impressed.

 I then asked "Where are we?" to which I didn't get an answer as there were noises down the corridor.

 "Stand up, stand up" Yinsen whispered furiously. "Come on, put your hands up". I noticed my guns so I quietly asked Yinsen why they were handling my guns but he just replied "Do you understand me? Do as I do." which I did.

This was, clearly, a hostage situation  and the man coming in front was, clearly, the leader of, at least, this pack. The leader man said "نرحب توني ستارك، وقال انه قاتل الكتلة الأكثر شهرة في تاريخ أمريكا" and pointed to Yinsen to translate.

Yinsen said " He says 'Welcome, Tony Stark, the most famous mass murderer in the history of America'"

The leader man then says "يشرفني" which Yinsen translates as 'He's honored' . LM (Leader Man) then continues "أنا أريد منك أن بناء الصاروخ" ("He wants you to build the missile")"في "أريحا" صاروخ أظهرتم. هذا." ("The Jericho missile that you demonstrated. This one.") and showed me a picture of the Jericho.

The answer was obvious as day to me "I refuse." which led to a period of waterboarding where the only painful thing other that the electrocution (which, thanks to Thalia, I was used to) was trying to act pained. Seriously, it's super hard.

They then led me outside, where I took a second to adjust to the sunlight. It was a small camp in the desert, hidden by mountains. There were a lot of my weapons, which I certainly did not sell to them. I was horrified.

"ما رأيك" 

"I think you have a lot of my weapons"

"لدينا كل ما تحتاجه لبناء سلاح "أريحا"تقديم قائمة من الموادتبدأ على الفور وأنا سوف تحدد لك مجانا"

"No, you won't,"

"No, he won't,"

3rd Person POV

A while after agreeing, Tony and Yinsen were sitting and talking about random stuff. One thing that was certain was that Tony was not going to die here not after surviving all this while, not here, not like this, after all he was Tony Stark. When he dies it will be with a big, explosive BANG.

So, he got to work. Wrote a list of materials and got a sturdy and well lit work table. As he worked, he and Yinsen exchanged small talk.

"How many languages do you speak?"

"A lot. But apparently, not enough for this place. They speak Arabic, Urdu, Dari, Pashto, Mongolian, Farsi, Russian."

"Who are these people?"

"They are your loyal customers, sir. They call themselves the Ten Rings. You know, we might be more productive if you include me in the planning process."

"Okay, we don't need this." "What is that?""That's palladium, 0.15 grams. We need at least 1.6, so why don't you go break down the other 11?"

After all sorts of work and finally getting the palladium core finished, Tony finally pretends to ask his name and adds a 'nice to meet you' in there.

Soon they finish the arc reactor and Tony shows Yinsen Mark I which surprises him a lot. They work on the Mark I now, long hours spent in a slightly dim cave over iron and steel.

Over a game, Yinsen and Tony decide to talk about families. Yinsen says that he expects to see them when he gets out while Tony says that he wouldn't lose what's left of his family. But good times soon end as the actual leader of the Ten Rings comes and almost burns Yinsen's tongue in an attempt to stop any problems and sets them their due date- the next day.

A/N: And...... CUT! Finally finished Chap 6. I'll try to get Chap 7 running soon.


Sofya Elric 

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