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Eliza slowly turns around and sees the mysterious man himself. He has a smirk on his smug face but is still waiting for her to answer his question. "W-what? Sir, i dont even k-know you..." Eliza stutters. Which makes the man smirk even wider if possible.

"I know you dont know me, but one thing i dont know is why you are stalking me..."

"But sir, im not stalking you..." She lies. Please believe me... She thinks to herself.

"Miss, im not stupid. So you can cut the bullshit and tell me." He says kind of loud. Everyone stops looking at adorable animals to look at him. He looks around and sees their faces. "But first we should get out of here..." He whispers while taking her arm and pulling Eliza out of the store.

"What do you think you are doing!?" Eliza whisper-yells. So nobody calls the cops on him or something.

"You wanna stalk me? I mind as well show you where i live before you figure it out yourself..." Her eyes widen. Shit... Is he actually going to kill me for that? She thinks to herself as he continues to drag her down the street. They dont say another word until they find themselves in front of a small house that is kind of secluded. Why does he live here? Where nobody can see him or his house? What is he planning on doing to me? As Eliza thinks that, she panics. They walk inside and its very interesting. He sits her on one of his leather chairs, where he takes a seat on the opposite one. "Talk." He says bluntly.

"Fine, the truth is yes, i was stalking you. But only because im too shy to walk up and talk to you..." The man squints his eyes.

"Why would you want to talk to me?" He asks, now a little curious about the woman in front of him.

"Because i found you interesting..." She says softly, a little embarrassed. 

"You found me interesting?" She nods, but the man is still confused. "The first time you saw me was yesterday. Correct?" He asks and she nods. "So how could you find someone interesting in a span of a day?" Now Eliza felt like this was an interrogation. She just hoped he wasnt an actual cop.

"I dont know... I saw you sitting in that chair with a folded newspaper in your hand, and coffee next to you. You werent doing anything in particular and i wanted to know why. Yes, i did think it was peculiar, but i also wanted to know more about you, i dont quite know the reason though..." Eliza explains, which makes the man smirk again. He reaches out a hand.

"Vincent." He says. Eliza hesitantly takes his hand.

"Eliza." They shake hands.

"So, Eliza..." He loves the way her name just rolls off his tongue. "What do you do besides stalk people?" Vincent asks jokingly.

"I only stalked you, and im actually currently looking for a job... What do you do besides run away from stalkers and go to the cafe?" She asks.

"Thats classified but youll find out some day...." Eliza furrows her eyebrows. What does he mean by that? Should i be scared? She thinks to herself. "You got a last name?" He then asks.

"Do you?" She asks, thinking if she told him it wouldnt be a good idea.

"Quimby." He says.

"So... Vincent Quimby?" She asks and he nods. "Eliza Harris." The man nods once more. "Anything else youd like to know more about me?"

"I should be the one asking since you are the one that finds me interesting..."

"Okay... Why do you live in such a secluded area?" She asks, the question has been bothering her since she got there.

"I have my reasons..." She squints but drops it anyways.

"Do you have a special someone in your life?" She asks, looking at his finger seeing no ring.

"Many." This only peeks Elizas interest in him more, since he is barely answering her questions with legitimate answers. "Do you?" He then asks her, this time he is the one looking at her finger and seeing no ring.

"No, not really." He nods. She then decides the interrogation is over and stands up, Vincent looks at her with confusion written all over his face. "Well, i should be going, my roommate is back anytime now and if im not back before her she will think the dirtiest of possibilities. Either that or that you killed me or something..."

"Do you know your way back from here?" He asks.

"Ill find my way." He hesitantly nods, and she walks to the door.

"Until next time then, Eliza..." He says, she smiles and nods at him. When she walks out of his door, she furrows her eyebrows. How is there supposed to be a next time? She asks herself. She then shrugs and finds her way back home.

She walks through her door seeing Avery already there. Avery rushes to her. "How did it go!? Did you two hit it off or something because you were gone for awhile!"

"Avery calm down... Just sit and i will explain everything..." Avery sits on the couch, Eliza following and she tells her friend about her day.

"Damn... He is mysterious. And what do you think he meant by 'Until next time'?" Avery asks and Eliza shrugs.

"I dont know but now im even more interested in him! I hope that there is a next time..." Eliza says.

"Are you going to continue to go to the cafe and hope he shows up?" Avery asks.

"No, i dont want to stalk him anymore... Plus i need to job hunt, i feel bad because you are the one paying the bills..."

"Ok fine, but if i were you i would go back... Because he probably wont see you again if you never go back." Eliza shrugs.

"It doesn't matter, today couldve been the last time i ever see him, and i might have to learn to live with that... But lets just drop the subject and focus on things that matter... Okay?" Avery nods. They decide to watch a movie before heading to bed for the night, where all Eliza could think about was Vincent.


Well she finally met the mysterious man! What do you think is going to happen next!? Thanks guys!

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