The Plan

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Eliza made it home, immediately welcomed by her roommate, Avery McKinney. Lets just say Eliza and Avery are polar opposites... Eliza is very gullible as you could tell, where Avery is very hard to trick. Eliza is an average brunette with ocean blue eyes and average height for an adult woman. Avery is a beautiful blonde with light brown eyes, which is kind of rare, and she is tall for an adult woman. Eliza hasnt had many relationships in her 27 years of life. Avery can be with any man she wants, its always been like that. No, she isnt some woman who sluts around, but she has had a fair share of men. "Where have you been for the past hour? Did you and that guy hook up or something?!" Avery asks. Elizas eyes widen.

"What!? No! He stood me up! I was waiting for an hour for him and he didnt show! Also even if he did show up, i wouldnt hook up with him, he wasnt my type from just looking at him..." Avery gives Eliza a sympathetic look.

"Im sorry, E. You shouldnt really trust men you just met..." Also 'E' was Averys nickname for Eliza. Then suddenly, Eliza remembers that mysterious man in the cafe, and Avery notices her change in expression. "What happened in that hour?" Avery asks, suspicious.

"Well, i may have been stood up but another man certainly caught my eye at the cafe..." Eliza explains. Avery suddenly gets excited.

"You met a man! Good for you!" She exclaims all giddy for her friend. Eliza furrows her brows at her roommate.

"Uh, no. I didnt even talk to him, actually..." Avery immediately gets confused.

"What? Then what did happen?" She asks. Eliza sighs before explaining.

"Well, i was just looking around for an employee to give me the check and my eyes landed on a very handsome man. He was sitting alone, his coffee next to him on a table, and he was holding a newspaper. The odd thing was, he wasnt reading the paper, it was folded in his hand and he wasnt doing anything in particular. Then a woman drew my attention away from him, giving me the check. When i looked back he was gone..." Averys expression was full of confusion.

"Very weird... What did he look like?" She then asked, curious.

"Well, he had amazing brown eyes, brown hair that was sticking every which way but fit him, and he seemed fit by his arms... He couldnt be over 35..." Eliza explains, trying to remember every detail of the man.

"Well E, id go for it..." Eliza furrows her eyebrows.

"But he left, how could i ever see him again when i know literally nothing about him!? Plus even if i did, would he stand me up just like that other stranger?"

"Well you never know if you dont try! Not all men are assholes..." Eliza sighs, knowing she wont win this argument.

"Fine, i guess ill go to the cafe again tomorrow around the same time and hope he is there... But what do i even do? Approach him?" Avery nods and Eliza thinks. "What would i say? 'Oh hi, i saw you yesterday doing absolutely nothing. Can you tell me about yourself because im interested in you'? Because thats ludicrous!"

"No, you wouldnt say anything..." Eliza once again, furrows her brows at her friend. "Im implying that you follow him around... See what he does in his free time or something..." Elizas eyes widen.

"You want me to stalk him!? For one, you know that is absolutely creepy. Two, you know i would blow my cover somehow and get a restraining order. And three, just... No!" Eliza defends while Avery laughs.

"It was just a suggestion! Plus i believe if you want to know more about him without confronting him, thats the best way to go... I could give you tips..." Eliza squints her eyes at the blonde, wondering why she even has hints to give about stalking. But decides to drop it since Avery always wins their arguments.

"Fine, if i see him ill give it a try..." Eliza says over dramatically. Avery jumps up a little and claps.

"Yay! Ill make dinner quick and after we eat ill give you some tips!" She says, way too giddy. But Eliza just tries to ignore it and looks for something on television to watch.


So here is the second chapter. Sorry that Robert isnt in this one but this story will progressively get more interesting i promise! I guess this was more of a filler anyway, but anyways! Thanks guys!

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