Read 4 Read

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Let's talk about them read 4 rip offs, shall we?

Successful read 4 reads happen one in 292 million, like winning the Powerball, because really, find someone who will respect the deal and you're a winner.

I've done it before, or at least, attempted to on various occasions. It only ever worked out with two people, one of which later went on to become my WP bestfriend *waves at SkarlitDawn* but with everyone else, it was a slump. Why? Because people simply stopped reading my book after some time, while I was supposed to keep reading theirs (especially when it sucked balls). The worst thing you can do is just drop off like that without giving a reason, then expect people to continue reading yours 'by default'. In all honesty, if I was really interested in your work, I would've found it myself without having to do a read 4 read. 

It's because of shit like that, that I don't ever initiate these things because a) I'm not desperate enough to ask people to trade reads b)I have something called dignity which a lot of people seem to be lacking here c) reads gained from a read 4 read are practically meaningless. They look good on paper, but in reality, you didn't really work for those reads, in a way. You had to pay someone to get 'em (kind of how you can buy Instagram followers). 

You also never get any feedback, and if you do it's the same shit of "THIS IS AMAZINGGGGGG". Seriously, your normal readers, the one that read your book without you having to hold their hand, rarely drop any meaningful feedback. I'm a very vocal reader myself, I like to scream, shout and spam the comment section of a book I like because I know that the author loves it. Authors love to see that someone is genuinely  enjoying their work, and sometimes, it's what gives them the strength to continue writing. 

Bottomline is, don't do read 4 reads. It's a massive waste of time and energy.


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