*Chapter 11*

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Jalen POV

I felt sorry for wat I did to Konnie. I wanted to make it up to her so I planned up a dinner date. It started at 8 tonight. Ever since last night Konnie hasnt even looked at me. I really dont know wats going on with her.

(Skipping Ahead...3 months later Konnie is now 19 years old and Jalen is 20)

Konnie POV

I havent talked to Jalen for 3 months straight. We started sleeping separately and everything. Im so happy this school year is about to be over. I called Kayla and Niya over so we could have a girls talk. So I got the house ready and Jalen started to speak to me.

"Hey baby" he said kissing my neck.

"......" I didn't say a word I just kelp doing my business. Then the door bell rang.

I was walking away to answer it but Jalen pulled me back.

"So you just gone ignore me? Ian get no hey boo hey baby hey bae hey Jalen!? Non of that" he said squeezing my arms.

I looked at him and smacked his arms down from squeezing mines and we to answer the door.

"Hey yall" I said to the girls. They said hey back and we walked to the couch and began to talk. 2 hours of talking it was 11 p.m. Niya and Kayla said there final goodbyes and left.

Kayla POV

So me and Niya was leaving Konnie house. I dropped Niya off at home and went home. I got there I saw Tre Sleeping watching TV. I smiled and looked at wat he was watching. This lil boy was watching Real Housewives Of Atlanta. I layed with him and watched the rest of the show then fell asleep.

Niya POV

So me and Malak was laying in bed watching TV until he broke the silence.

"Baby" he said

"Hum" I said while looking at the TV.

"You know I Love U Right" He said getting into his feelings. I rolled my eyes and answered

"Mmhum" I said

"And I've been doing some thinking....."


"A family.... I want a baby Niya"

I froze in silence and started to think. Malak wants a baby. This is the end of the school year. He can get a job and maybe this family will succeed.

"I have to keep thinking Malak" I said and turnt off the light and went to sleep. I cant believe this is happening.

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