Chapter 2: At the Guild Hall!

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"Wow! It's very big in person!" I said, looking up at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

"I know right!" Wendy said. "C'mon, lets go inside!"

As I took my first step inside the Guild Hall, my jaw dropped because of how humongous it is inside! Besides how big it was, I was very interested watching all the guild members talking, laughing, smiling, yelling, fighting and having such a great time together!

I was even more surprized when the pretty matchmaker comes walking towards me. (>•<)

"Oh, hello! Are you new here?" she asks.

"Me? Oh no, I'm just visiting." I said, smiling. "You must be Mirajane! It's a pleasure to meet you in person! I am a huge fan of Fairy Tail!"

"She also said before that she fell from the sky!" Wendy, says as stars shines in her eyes.

"Child, it's not polite to interrupt!" Carla says, sternly.

Wendy turns to me,
"Gome..Gomenesai!" she says, while bowing.

I was shock! She actually said sorry in such a respectful manner. Nobody has ever done that to me before. (>_<)

"Oh...uh..heh are forgiven! And please don't apoligize like that. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't feel comfortable when you bow."
I said, gently shaking both my hands in front of my face.

Wendy looks at me, her eyes became as big as saucers. "Go..Go..Gome..Gomenesai!" She says and bows a few times. "Whoops! No bowing!" she stops herself. "Gomenesai!" She says and bows, again. "Ahhhhh!! I did it again!" she says now turning red of embrassment and shaking both of her hands in front of her face, continuously.

I just sweat drop her the whole time, and tried to control my laughter.

I can tell everyone else was also sweat dropping her as well, and controling their laughter.

Mira steps in by saying, *clears throat "Well it's very nice to meet you too! Come! Sit down! I can give you some strawberry cake." she says, gesturing to one of the tables.

"Thank you!"

Time skip~5 minutes later...

So here I am. Sitting with Lucy, Erza, Wendy, and Carla 5 minutes later. Erza, Wendy, and Carla sitting across from me. While Lucy sitting beside me on my left.

I'm patiently, no cross that, anxiously waiting for my cake to arrived from the white haired bartender.

As I was waiting, I was having an interesting conversation with the four and I got a chance to explain about myself and my backgrounds to them.

They looked really interested and were listening the whole time, like I was something someone brought home that was mysterious.

I thought that our conversation was going to be so dang long, but it literally took me 7 minutes! Tops!

As soon as I finished my last sentence from our conversation, Mira finally brought me the cake I was waiting for.

I took my first bite in front of her. "Mmmm... Wowzer!! It's delicious!" I said, happliy. I felt like I was in strawberry cake heaven! (>v<)
The warm, sponge-tasticness from the cake slowly filled my tastes buds with joy! I really like the feeling when the strawberries mixed with the warmth of the cake! I was literally dancing in my seat, even though I can feel everyone at our table sweat drop at my actions.

"I'm glad you like it!" Mira said. "I baked it this morning! With the help of Erza and Wendy or course!" She winked then gave me her signiture smile. She then left our table and went back to the bar.

That's when I remembered an important thing I must discuss with them!

"Ok, so as you already know I fell from the sky. Well it was because of my phone." I said.

"What do you mean your phone?" Erza asked, curiously.

Without a word I took out my phone from my pocket and slowly placed it on the table."This device somehow magically brought a teleporter to me which I got sucked inside and landed in this place. Before that I received a mysterious note. I read the note and that's how the teleporter came to life." Then I reached inside my pocket again and took out the note. I placed it on the table.

Everyone around me stares at the note on the table, wide eyed.

"May I read it?" Lucy says, sliding it over to her.

I nodded, and she read it our loud for all of us to hear.

"May you open with ease, bring me into this world please!" she said in a very professional voice.

There was an silence. A very awkward silence.

I bet everyone was thinking the same thing I was thinking. What the heck do those words mean?

Our thoughts were interrupted when we heard the blue head said, "Hey, what's this?" Wendy asks, pointing to a small blemish at the top right corner of the note.

"Oh, yeah! I almost forgot about that! I don't even know what it looks like.
Here it looks like a stick with...hmmm..clothes, i guess? There are many lines here and there." I said.

"Looks more like a leaf to me." Lucy says.

"A LEAF?!" everyone else said.

"Yeah, I read a book about different species of leaves and they were very fasinating! By the looks of these lines here, they're sort of like the veins on a leaf. The stick you mentioned looks like the petiole or leaf stalk. And the clothes you mentioned is like the blades on a leaf." Lucy says, pointing at the picture.

(A/N: FYI- I had no clue what parts on a leaf is actually called. I research them on the internet. (=v=)

"Now that you mention it, it really does look like a leaf!" I said.

"We should go to the library for more information!" Erza says.

"Alright! And I know a person who can also help us out!" Lucy says.

*Gulp "LEVY! I bet Levy could help!" I yelled, finishing the last slice of the strawberry cake.

"Did someone call my name?" said the petite bookworm with blue hair.

"Hey! We need your help in the library and we need your help with this!" Lucy said, pointing to the small blemish or so called a "leaf."

Chapter 2 done! Sorry if this chapter is boring... Don't worry! I promise the next chapter will be more exciting!

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If I were in Fairy Tail!                                 (readerxfairytail)Where stories live. Discover now