Chapter 3: Yomato Hiroshi

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"Wow! It's so nice in here! So many books!" I said, examining the Fairy Tail library.

"Thanks! I love spending my time reading these fasinating books we have! Y'know I remembered seeing that mark in a book before, but I forgot which book it is. I recently read in the Fantasy section. Or was it the History section?" Levy said.

"Do you remember what the book looks like?" Wendy asked.

"All I remember was that the book had a green cover that felt like fabric and the pages in it were old."

Well, let's start looking then!" said Erza. She turns towards me and says, "You, Wendy and Carla look for the book in the History section while Lucy, Levy and I will look in the Fantasy section."

"Right!" I said.

Timeskip~25 minutes later...

"Found it everyone!" Levy shouted.

Levy brings it to the small, round table in the center of the room. The rest of us follows her and crowds around the table.

A/N: There is no small, round table in the Guild hall's Library.

Levy opens the book for everyone to see. In the very front page there was a very familiar description. Levy looks at my note and then she looks at the page.

"It seems that your note is a copy of the writing on the front page." Levy explains.

"Look there is the leaf marking again!" exclaims Wendy, pointing to the marking on the top right corner of the front page of the book.

"There is also a mysterious name here, some sort of an author I think. It looks like his name is Yomato Hiroshi."  says Erza.

As soon as Erza said the name, Carla saw a flashback of something.

"I just saw something! I think it was an old spirit tree!" Carla says.

"But why would you vision something out of the topic?" asked Wendy, curiously.

"I don't know, child, but I think it relates to our disscusion!"

"Hey, I heard that name before! We have a book about him. I'll go look for it!" Levy exclaimed.

"Man, this mystery is getting more mysterious and interesting by the minute!" I said. I then turned to Lucy who was the only one spacing out from our conversation.

"Hey, Lucy?" I said.

She looks at me, "hmm?..."

"Sorry to interrupt you, but.. you have been quiet for a long time I was wondering what you were thinking about."

"Oh, well.. it's just that.. I had a crazy thought that this Yomato Hiroshi guy could be the old spirit tree..."

Everyone in the room stops what they were doing and looked at Lucy with surprized faces.

"WHAT?" she says.

"It's just that..what you said sounds true.." Erza says.

"Yeah!" agreed Wendy, Carla and I.

"Just think about it! Like I said the marking looks like a leaf right? It could be a clue about my thoery!" Lucy says.

"I see now!"


"Haha, true!"

"Here, I found a book about Yomato Hiroshi and a book about sprit trees." exclaims Levy, walking towards to the table.

Levy opens both of the books and went to the table of contents in each book.

"Oh look! In both books there is the same chapter called The Note."

Everyone looked at each other with questionable faces, then turns towards the books again.

Levy flips to the first page of the chapter called "The Note" in both books. In one book it had a picture of Yomato Hiroshi, and in the other it had a picture of an old, sprit tree with a face. The face on the tree was full of sorrow and sadness.

Levy turns the next page in both books, and in both, they seemed to have the exact description printed in the middle of the page.

Lucy looks at the page and reads the description, "Once in 2500 years, the old sprit tree will pick a human girl from the future to help him release his curse from an evil, dark spirit known as "Angra Mainyu." To release the curse, the girl must defeat Angra Mainyu. Hundreds of girls were chosen and risked their lives. So far all perished. Once the curse is lifted from the tree, it will give one wish to the human girl. Written by, Yomato Hiroshi."

As soon as Lucy finished reading, everyones' eyes grew big. Then there came another awkward silence...

"So..your..from..the..future?" ask Wendy, looking at me.

I looked at everyone, then looked down and nodded silently.



"That's amazing!"

"Wait....WHAT?!" I said, lifting my head up and looked at everyone in disbelief. "I thought you would be mad at me because I didn't tell you in the first place!"

"Are you kidding? This is amazing! A long, lost girl from the future?! Now that's something you don't see everyday!" Lucy said.

What she said really made me feel so happy! I couldn't help but smile infront of them. "Thanks, you guys!"

Everyone then smiled as well.

"Look here's a map on how to get there." Erza says, picking up a map sticking out from the book about Yomato Hiroshi.

"And here is the small so called "leaf" marking again." Wendy exclaimed.

"So it all makes sense now. This Yomato Hiroshi guy wrote this description, which tells us that he is an author. I know why I receieved that note and why I came here in the first place. And we even have a map on how to get there!" I said, astounished.

"Girls, we got an adventure on our hands!" Lucy exclaims.
Yay! Chapter 3 done! Another chapter to go! (>0<)

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